The View from the Bridge
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[…] Arsen Avakov ran for election as Kharkiv city mayor, but was defeated by Hennediy Kernes, a local business rival. The election was accompanied by widespread accusations of vote fraud, and the result was hotly contested. Electoral fraud is so commonplace in Ukraine that there is a nationally-known slang term for it – ‘Buckwheat’ – […]
[…] Arsen Avakov ran for election as Kharkiv city mayor, but was defeated by Hennediy Kernes, a local business rival. The election was accompanied by widespread accusations of vote fraud, and the result was hotly contested. Electoral fraud is so commonplace in Ukraine that there is a nationally-known slang term for it – ‘Buckwheat’ – […]
[…] Arsen Avakov ran for election as Kharkiv city mayor, but was defeated by Hennediy Kernes, a local business rival. The election was accompanied by widespread accusations of vote fraud, and the result was hotly contested. Electoral fraud is so commonplace in Ukraine that there is a nationally-known slang term for it – ‘Buckwheat’ – […]
[PDF file]: […] he got a fellow Catholic, Steve Webb (Lib Dem), as Pensions Minister during the Coalition. In 2013 Mr Webb boldly announced that the Good Lord himself would vote Lib Dem,9 although as it turned out practically no other bugger would. He was supported in this extravagant claim by the party president at the time, […]
[…] do. The formation of the SDP ensured that Mrs Thatcher won the 1983 election: forming a new centre-left party in 1981 was bound to split the anti-Conservative vote at the general election which followed. The question is: was it formed with that purpose in mind? On this the evidence is mixed. Three of the […]
[PDF file]: […] experience on her part, Mattinson lacks a certain perspective while making many of her otherwise correct points. The role of the SDP in disastrously splitting the anti-Conservative vote in 1983 and 1987 is not mentioned at all; nor are the very real difficulties for any major political party, led by even the most gifted […]
[PDF file]: […] were met, with the exception of annual Parliaments, the process took decades. It was not until 1914 that all males over 21 won 4 the right to vote in general elections. This process of painstaking gradual reform over the best part of seven decades, also visible in the recognition of trade union rights, ensured […]
[PDF file]: […] By 2015, however, its strength was also growing at the national level. In that year’s General Election it secured 3.8 million votes (12.6 per cent of the vote) and replaced the Liberal Democrats as Britain’s third party. Despite the UKIP success, the Tories did win a majority in 2015. The 2017 General Election result, […]