Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996)

- Lobster Issue 32: Contents
- The Bilderberg Group and the project of European unification -- Mike Peters
- SAS: the Stiff Memoir -- John Newsinger
- Operation Julie revisited: the strange career of Ron Stark, parapolitical alchemist -- David Black
- Plot elements in the Colosio Murder Mystery -- Alex Cox
- The CIA and radiation experiments on humans -- Armen Victorian
- UFOs and the governments of the USA and UK -- Armen Victorian
- Is Libya still the prime suspect for the murder of WPC Fletcher? -- Peter Smith
- The state in politics: Wallace, Holroyd and Lobster -- Robin Ramsay
- The view from the bridge -- Robin Ramsay
- Obituaries: Kim Besly & Anthony Verney
- From Empire to Commonwealth: a Biography of Lionel Curtis -- Robin Ramsay
- Sources
- Miscellaneous: Manning Clark. L. Ron Hubbard Jnr.
- Web Update -- Jane Affleck
- From Parapolitics to Deep Politics: Deep Politics and the Death of JFK -- reviewed by Mike Small
- Export or Die: Britain's Defence Trade with Iran and Iraq -- reviewed by Scott Newton
- UK Eyes Alpha: the Inside Story of British Intelligence -- reviewed by Robin Ramsay
- We The Nation: The Conservative Party and the Pursuit of Power -- reviewed by Colin Challen
- I Couldn't Paint Golden Angels -- reviewed by Robin Ramsay
- Orders to Kill: the Truth Behind the Murder of Martin Luther King -- reviewed by Robin Ramsay
- NASA, Nazis & JFK: the Torbitt Document and the JFK Assassination -- reviewed by Robin Ramsay
- Students and the Cold War -- reviewed by Robin Ramsay
- The Octopus: Secret Government and the Death of Danny Casolaro -- reviewed by Robin Ramsay
- Hugh Gaitskell -- reviewed by Tom Easton
- Secret Power: New Zealand's Role in the International Spy Network -- reviewed by Robin Ramsay
- The Fortean Times Book of the Millennium -- reviewed by Robin Ramsay