Lobster Issue 55 (Summer 2008)

- Parish Notices
- After Kelly: ‘After Dark’, David Kelly and lessons learned -- Sebastian Cody
- Everything’s gone off the rails except the ideology! -- Anthony Frewin
- Fifth Column: The decadence of our political system -- Tim Pendry
- Children and the Official Secrets Act -- Corinne Souza
- Tittle-tattle -- Tom Easton
- The biggest of big lies? -- Robin Ramsay
- Mind control -- Robin Ramsay
- The Cecil King coup plot -- Roger Cottrell
- The View from the Bridge -- Robin Ramsay
- Philip Agee, the KGB and us -- Robin Ramsay
- All the news that fits -- Tom Easton
- Kiss me on the apocalypse! -- Simon Matthews
- Feedback
- The meaning of the QinetiQ scandal -- John Newsinger
- Maggie, Maggie, Maggie! -- Robin Ramsay
- RE: -- Terry Hanstock
- Sources -- Robin Ramsay
- Let us now praise famous researchers -- reviewed by Anthony Frewin
- The Kurdish and Armenian genocides -- reviewed by John Newsinger
- The Labour Party -- reviewed by Bernard Porter
- Animal Pharm -- reviewed by Colin Johnson
- Israel and the Clash of Civilisations -- reviewed by Robin Ramsay
- Deception -- reviewed by Robin Ramsay
- A Century of Spin -- reviewed by Robin Ramsay
- Britain, America and Anti-Communist Propaganda 1945-53 -- reviewed by Robin Ramsay
- Psi Spies -- reviewed by Robin Ramsay
- Dr Mary’s Monkey -- reviewed by Robin Ramsay
- Briefly