Beaumont novel copy

Lobster Issue

A Spy Alone Charles Beaumont London: Canelo, 2023, £9.99 (p/b) Robin Ramsay This is only the second novel I have reviewed in Lobster.1 The cover and the author blurb tells us that author Beaumont is a ‘former MI6 operative’. ‘Operative’? Why not ‘officer’? The author tells me the word was chosen by the publisher. […]

Armed and Dangerous: the corporate origins of war with Iran

Lobster Issue 63 (Summer 2012) FREE

[PDF file]: […] to the energy-security industry, they may also have a 18 Caryle Murphy, ‘Wikileaks Reveals Saudi Efforts to Threaten Iran’, 29 November 2010. 19 Kim Zetter, ‘NOKIA Seimens Spy Tools Aid Police Torture in Bahrain’, Wired: Threat Level, 23 August 2011; and Spencer Andrai’s Danger Room: ‘New US Commando Team Operating near Iran’, Wired, 19 […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 66 (Winter 2013) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] not hesitate to obliterate us if they could. If we want to protect ourselves – and who seriously would argue that we shouldn’t? – we have to spy on them. In electronic terms that means looking for needles in haystacks and you can’t do that 16 without having access to the whole hayfield.’ GCHQ […]

On getting it wrong and getting it right: Ronald Stark, LSD and the CIA

Lobster Issue 78 (Winter 2019) FREE

[PDF file]: […] by other historians, he eventually conceded, ‘I made some claims about facts which have turned out to be unwarranted’. Of his claim that Bruno was the embassy spy, code-named ‘Henry Fagot’, Bossy wrote, ‘I thought so at the time, but have turned out to be mistaken’. Bossy, however, had dragged a lot of fascinating […]

Beaumont novel copy

Lobster Issue

A Spy Alone Charles Beaumont London: Canelo, 2023, £9.99 (p/b) Robin Ramsay This is only the second novel I have reviewed in Lobster.1 The cover and the author blurb tells us that author Beaumont is a ‘former MI6 operative’. ‘Operative’? Why not ‘officer’? The author tells me the word was chosen by the publisher. […]

Her Majesty’s secret servants

Lobster Issue 62 (Winter 2011) FREE

[PDF file]: […] the names of the agency and had Nighy as MI5. And nobody in the editorial process noticed. (To most viewers it would make no difference, of course.) Spy versus Spy W e have had a lot of tribunals recently. One that has received little attention in the UK is the Smithwick Tribunal in the […]

Pegasus: The Story of the World’s Most Dangerous Spyware

Lobster Issue 86 (2023) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft, according to people familiar with its sales pitch. NSO Group’s flagship smartphone malware, nicknamed Pegasus, has for years been used by spy agencies and governments to harvest data from targeted individuals’ smartphones. But it has now evolved to capture the much greater trove of information stored beyond the […]

Running Rings

Lobster Issue 90 (2025) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

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