Notes from the Underground, part 4: British Fascism 1983-6 (II)

Lobster Issue 26 (1993) £££

[…] industry. Break up Capitalist Concerns and establish British Workers Co-operatives’.(36) As if this wasn’t enough, by late 1985 it was declared in NF News that the ‘ propaganda of NF News will in future, more fully reflect our revolutionary stance’ (emphasis added).(37) So, in early 1986 it should have come as no surprise when […]

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The Organising of Intellectual Consensus: The Congress for Cultural Freedom and Post-War US-European Relations (Part I)

Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££

[…] Cultural Cold War was to be waged had grown directly out of their political activities during the late 1940s. Above all, the principle on which the American propaganda effort was founded, that is cultural freedom, was exactly the one they themselves had been defending ever since the 1930s.'(16) So while there were shared ideas […]

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The fiction of the state: The Paris Review and the invisible world of American letters

Lobster Issue 50 (Winter 2005/6) £££

[…] career as an author only as cover for his intelligence activities.() Gallagher commented: ‘It is true. The Paris Review was a hoax, part of the CIA world-wide propaganda effort.’ Through a friend, Gallagher located James Rentchler, who at first was identified only as a retired Foreign Service officer. Gallagher agreed to approach him on […]

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An Unbiased Watch? the police and fascist/anti-fascist street conflict in Britain, 1945-1951

Lobster Issue 35 (Summer 1998) £££

[…] 1947: We demand that the Home Secretary make full use of all powers he possesses under the existing law to prevent the spreading of Fascist and anti-semitic propaganda and we urge the Government to introduce legislation making such propaganda illegal in this country.(23) D. H. Snell, secretary of a branch of the Amalgamated Society […]

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After Iraq: some FCO/SIS issues

Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] about facilitating those circumstances, if any; ‘public relations’ could be seeking to persuade the public such circumstances had arisen even though this would be a lie; ‘ propaganda’ could be telling the public how to think. (Although both can be used concurrently, normally PR is used when there is sufficient time for persuasion to […]

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British Cinema and the Cold War: The State, Propaganda and Consensus

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Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££

[…] He is well versed in the intricacies of the Information Research Department, the Congress for Cultural Freedom and other agencies of the formal apparatus of Cold War propaganda and combines this with a detailed, analytical knowledge of the British and US film industries. The author has a fascinating chapter on the screening of George […]

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Lobster Issue 47 (Summer 2004) £££

[…] Free Radio stations operating illegally during the 1960s and 1970s. Unlike its more pop music oriented contemporaries, however, Radio Enoch’s output consisted solely of right wing political propaganda, albeit with a musical background. (1) Its origins lie with a group called People Against Marxism, which, in July 1978, set up Two Spires Radio, rejoicing […]

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Winning Hearts and Minds: British Governments, the Media and Colonial Counter-Insurgency 1944-60

Lobster Issue 31 (June 1996) £££

[…] line, sometimes successfully. Quite why the rest of Whitehall put up with IRD’s incompetent meddling until 1976 remains a mystery: Carruther’s account of the politics of official propaganda does not get that deep. Anybody interested in IRD – or the wider issues of propaganda in British counter-insurgency policies – will find important new material […]

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Kincoragate – Loose Ends

Lobster Issue 4 (1984) £££

[…] to Nottingham, and in 1976 he took up a defence fellowship at King’s College, London, where he wrote a thesis on ‘The Problems of Dealing with Revolutionary Propaganda’. Tugwell’s job as Colonel General Staff (Information Policy) was, as described by terrorism ‘expert’ Richard Clutterbuck, ‘not merely to react to the media -or events – […]

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Sex and Rockets: the occult world of Jack Parsons

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Lobster Issue 40 (Winter 2000/1) £££

[…] why or how the OTO ended up with a branch in California, though we could note that Crowley was in the US in 1915-1917 working for German propaganda, under George Viereck, (4) and may have left some adherents behind when he quit the country. In any event by 1941 Parsons had become its leader, […]

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