
Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££

[…] The BBC has been using these reports as if they were genuine news. In fact, the SSVC is entirely funded by the Ministry of Defence as a propaganda operation, which according to its own website makes a “considerable contribution” to the “morale” of the armed forces.’ On-line free sources There are two wonderful free […]

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Parliamentary Questions; Anti-Labour leaflet

Lobster Issue 13 (1987) £££

[…] win any important section of the working class to anti-imperialist positions, even where it is subjectively anti-capitalist. The situation in Northern Ireland highlights the urgency of doing so. If effective solidarity action is to be achieved, a considerable work of propaganda and demystification in Britain will be needed. VOTE LABOUR 7 Carlisle Street, London, W1

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Lobster Issue 56 (Winter 2008/9) £££

[…] Senate hearings document. Wick was also the organiser of the 1983 White House meeting (Lobsters passim) at which Rupert Murdoch and James Goldsmith became part of this propaganda effort. High on Wick’s agenda during his European trips was the building up of what the White House called a ‘successor generation’ of sympathetic European leaders. […]

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Wallace on Pincher on Wallace

Lobster Issue 21 (1991) £££

[…] Civil Servants show, the Board was told that I did have a job description which was classified ‘secret’ and that I was involved in disinformation or ‘black propaganda’. The members of the Board, as former senior civil servants, were cleared to receive classified information, but the MOD denied that any second classified job description […]

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Maria Novotny: From Prague With Love

Lobster Issue 2 (1983) £££

[…] David Floyd, the Telegraph‘s correspondent on Soviet Affairs. Floyd was on the books of the IRD. (21) IRD, run by the Foreign Office, was a Cold War propaganda outfit which had a close relationship with MI6; and especially with section IX, which dealt with the Soviet Union. Was the meeting set up by the […]

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Lobster Issue 29 (1995) £££

[…] copy is available on request from Olivier Schmidt in Paris on tel/ fax 33 1 Exposed! The Mackenzie Institute for the Study of Terrorism, Revolution and Propaganda Watch – the Right Pamphlet Number One This is an anonymous, 40 page, A5 pamphlet which analyses the Mackenzie personnel, their affiliations and some of its […]

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UDA: Inside the heart of Loyalist terror

Book cover
Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££

[…] thus its derision towards the British admin-istration for continuing to talk to and kow-tow to the terrorists, both Green and Orange, giving them state money, bankrolling IRA propaganda films and trying to nurture them as community representatives, because they see nothing beyond the now moribund Good Friday Agreement. Northern Ireland still needs a Labour […]

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Two Sides of Ireland (Book reviews)

Lobster Issue 13 (1987) £££

[…] action sure to short-circuit the Official IRA’s plan (of a take-over on the Cuban model) was Dublin intervention in Northern Ireland. When this seemed likely, a major propaganda campaign was mounted (by the OIRA), directed primarily against Blaney, Haughey and Boland, the three ministers who, in varying degrees, were seen as supporting some kind […]

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South African Connections

Lobster Issue 1 (1983) £££

[…] Head of SA Security Police, Coetzee, visited British intelligence in March. Believed SA established a new London burglary team in April (G. 27th June 1983). 7. SA propaganda links to Tory rightwingers and funding of Foreign Affairs Research Institute (FARI) (G. 11th February 1983). In recent years FARI’s members have included Cons. MP’s Julian […]

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The Rhodes-Milner Group

Lobster Issue 13 (1987) £££

[…] the list of some 70 prominent figures who contributed statements advocating Anglo-American ‘reunion’ to the June 1898 issue of Stead’s Review of Reviews, an issue devoted to propaganda for “an informal Association of Friendly Fellowship” for promoting common action throughout the English-speaking world. On the list are many figures who were members of the […]

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