Lobster Issue 44 (Winter 2002/3) £££
See note (1) This article explores the three pro-European Union propaganda campaigns mounted to date: in 1962-63 to secure public support following Britain’s first application to join the EU; in 1970-71 to prepare the public for accession; and in 1974-75 to ensure continued EU membership in the 1975 Referendum. For simplicity, the term European […]
Lobster Issue 19 (1990) £££
[…] quite difficult to be certain just which category a given work falls into. (4) The first such category is literature which is consciously produced and/or disseminated for propaganda purposes, often by people with direct or indirect links to the intelligence services of countries that are members of either NATO or the Warsaw Pact. These […]
Lobster Issue 22 (1991) £££
[…] Organisation, however, acquired something of an official sanction when, in October 1919, Lloyd George called upon the services of Admiral Sir Reginald Hall and his organisation, National Propaganda, to assist the government to defeat the Railway Strike.(28) National Propaganda was employed by the Publicity Sub-committee of the STO to produce unofficial propaganda for the […]
Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££
[…] To, by Phil Edwards, in Lobster 42. It contains a venomous and completely idiotic attack on Noam Chomsky (and indirectly on me as a co-author of the propaganda model), and it has other deficiencies as well. Let me elaborate. Edwards quotes Kick on the meaning of a lie, which Kick says is ‘elastic’, encompassing […]
Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££
In their recent history of the Information Research Department (IRD), Paul Lashmar and James Oliver discuss George Orwell’s decision to collaborate with that organisation’s anti-Communist propaganda operations. They write that ‘George Orwell’s reputation as a left-wing icon took a body blow from which it may never recover when it was revealed in 1996 that […]
Lobster Issue 19 (1990) £££
[…] in April 1946 to coordinate policy towards the Soviet Union. On May 7th the committee recognised a need for a ‘defensive-offensive’ policy and drafted guide-lines for a propaganda counter-offensive. Foreign Secretary Bevin, however, was not then convinced such tactics were necessary and Warner’s proposals remained unapproved until November 1947, after the Cominform declaration against […]
Lobster Issue 18 (1989) £££
[…] that tightly enmeshed each person in an elaborate, all-encompassing infrastructure geared towards exerting social control;(64) the skilfull and systematic application of action psychologique, which included both mass propaganda directed at groups and ‘thought reform’ employed against particular individuals; (65) and the ruthless but controlled utilization of terrorism, whether discriminate or indiscriminate, to intimidate the […]
Lobster Issue 15 (1988) £££
[…] these two groups, largely funded and supported by the same members of the ruling elites, are almost a right and left ‘face’ of the anti-socialist, ‘class peace’ propaganda movement which dominated much of British domestic politics in the decade after the Russian revolution. (5) These ‘class peace’ groups form almost half of the 20 […]
Lobster Issue 3 (1984) £££
[…] potential impact should be cause for concern. They are the churches, the ‘loyalist opposition’ and, perhaps most important, the unpoliticised public”. He followed this by organising the propaganda campaign against the American Peace Movement’s ‘Ground Zero Week’. (1) Rostow was equally concerned about the growing unilateralist movement and so helped initiate a similar propaganda […]
Lobster Issue 1 (1983) £££
[…] been part of the cover-up. That may well be the case, but a closer examination suggests that Kincora is the link to a murky world of black propaganda, blackmail and assassination. A second report on the affair has been prepared by Sir George Terry who retired as Chief Constable of Sussex this year. (2) […]