Anti-Semitism in the Labour Party

Lobster Issue 74 (Winter 2017) FREE

[PDF file]: […] of all the known victims of the holocaust bore testament to the suffering of a people, arranged almost as a mirror image of the efficiency of the Nazi extermination system. That’s surely what LFI would want me to see, to understand that the Jewish state could not tolerate the oppression of the Jews and […]

Freefall: Free Markets And The Sinking Of The Global Economy by Joseph Stiglitz

Lobster Issue

[…] New Capitalist Order, Towards A New Society, Toward A New Multilateralism. (I wonder if Stiglitz is aware of how closely these echo in tone the fascist and Nazi slogans of the 1930s?) What form would this Stiglitzian global regulation take? 171 Summer 2010 He would require nation-states to effectively subcontract the economic management of […]

The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] for and it seems churlish not to mention them. I have Richard Griffiths, What did you do during the war? The last throes of the British pro- Nazi Right, 1940-45; Philip M Coupland, Farming, Fascism and Ecology: A life of Jorian Jenks; Colin Holmes, Searching for Lord Haw-Haw; and Nicholas O’Shaughnessy, Marketing the Third […]

The Secret War: Spies, Codes and Guerrillas, 1939-45 by Max Hastings

Lobster Issue 74 (Winter 2017) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Roosevelt were more openminded than Hitler and Stalin. Reinforcing this trope were the exploits of the brave ‘few’ in the Battle of Britain – ‘few’ against the Nazi ‘hordes’ – and the much bruited morale and good humour of the little English people in their slums – ‘never mind, dear, put on the kettle […]

The USA, China and a new Cold War?

Lobster Issue 80 (Winter 2020) FREE

[PDF file]: […] to lobby against any effort for detente with the Soviet Union. Its co-chairman, Yaroslav Stetsko, was a top leader of the fascist OUN-B militia that fought alongside Nazi Germany during its occupation of Ukraine. They helped found the World Anti-Communist League. See Ajit Singh and Max Blumenthal, note 17. 25 26 Singh and Blumenthal, […]

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