Lobster Issue 52 (Winter 2006/7) £££
[…] ‘My father and I the modern ones would listen to these tirades, rolling our eyes, and excusing the impropriety of even alluding to a possible Nazi victory on account of my grandfather’s earnest but essentially “screwed-up” world view.’ Certainly, as Preparata came to reconsider, the result of world conflict had not been […]
Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££
Observers of the activities of the neo- nazi Combat 18 (C18), otherwise known as the National Socialist Alliance (NSA), have been treated to some bewildering documents and allegations recently. In an attempt to clarify who is saying what, and why, I will examine the origins and initial purpose of C18, the role (if any) […]
Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££
Secret Nazi Technology which could have changed the course of WWII Gary Hyland and Anton Gill, Headline Books, 1998, £18.99 Thirty years ago schoolboys built model aeroplanes. The most common and popular were, for the Airfix generation, the main combat types of the last great war – Spitfires, Me109s, Mustangs, Zeros, Lancasters, Flying Fortresses […]
Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££
[…] Dunkirk (September 1939 – June 1940). In the first segment a sizeable number of politicians and public figures continued to advocate and work for a deal with Nazi Germany. After the outbreak of war this number diminished but continued to include a surprisingly large number of individuals. Ramsay formed the Right Club as an […]
Lobster Issue 27 (1994) £££
The Searchlight saga continued An editorial in the issue of January 1994, calls for ‘the investigation of nazi terror groups either to be put into the hands of a special police unit attached to the Police National Intelligence Bureau, or to be turned over to MI5 and MI6…. this proposal might astonish some of […]
Lobster Issue 26 (1993) £££
[…] NF actually Strasserite, and even if they were, was this a leftist doctrine? Before returning to that, it is as well to turn from the minutiae of Nazi theology to NF practice. For, in the period of 1984-5 there were overtures made by the NF to the political left, in particular anarchists. As well […]
Lobster Issue 13 (1987) £££
Critique, mentioned in these columns before (Lobster 8), is a California-based “Journal of Conspiracies and Metaphysics”. It’s editor, Bob Banner, has had the good taste to reprint pieces from Lobster. Critique’s slogan – now available on T-shirts! – is; Question consensus reality. Well, amen to that. However, the bit of “consensus reality” – and Banner […]
Lobster Issue 19 (1990) £££
More, please In an account of his career as a writer of spy fiction (Guardian 16 November ’89) John Le Carré referred to the hostile reaction received by his (unnamed) second book, presumably The Looking Glass War: ‘Critics and public alike rejected the novel, but this time the spies were cross. And since the British … Read more
Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££
The Secret Gold Treaty: the truth behind World War II gold, Nazi plunder and elite plans to control our financial future David Guyatt Deep Black Lies, 2000 $23 (U.S.) including p & p from the Deep Black Lies website: http://www.deepblacklies.co.uk/ For reasons of economy this has been published on a CD-ROM, but in […]
Lobster Issue 33 (Summer 1997) £££
[…] magazine. A colleague of Larry O’Hara’s found on the Internet a piece posted by Searchlight’s European Editor, Graeme Atkinson, titled ‘Burkhard Schroder…or The Strange Case of the Nazi Errand Boy’s Pimp’. Those familiar with the Searchlight campaign against O’Hara will recognise the second half of the title as a variation on one of Searchlight’s […]