Lobster Issue 59 (Summer 2010)
[PDF file]: […] years in Marseilles. The 1970 French film Borsalino 2 was largely based on his life but left out much of his less pleasing side, such as his Nazi collaboration during the war. Just before the Olson business Spirito had been released from Atlanta’s Federal Penitentiary where he had been serving a sentence for drug […]
Lobster Issue 73 (Summer 2017)
[PDF file]: […] life? Or was the daring 900-mile flight on Saturday, 10 May 1941,1 part of a failed coup d’état by certain well-known high Tories, attempting a ceasefire with Nazi Germany by removing Churchill as war leader? The facts about May 10, just six weeks before the German invasion of Russia, remain so uncertain that professional […]
Lobster Issue 79 (Summer 2020)
[PDF file]: […] to there being ‘some very fine people on both sides’. As she asks: ‘Since when is a White supremacist or a member of the KKK or a Nazi a fine person? Well, if your dad was hooked up with these groups, as the president’s father was, I guess that’s what you would think’. (p. […]
Lobster Issue 78 (Winter 2019)
[PDF file]: […] Cited in Bolton, p. 172. For this same reason, many French fascists in the 1930s felt far more allied with Mussolini’s Italy and Franco’s Spain than with Nazi Germany. 20 both America and Western Europe are culturally dead, a new star now rises not over Bethlehem but Moscow. Should Putin falter, will Bolton next […]
Lobster Issue 72 (Winter 2016)
[PDF file]: […] at the time A Clockwork Orange was published in 1962. The only connection between CHATTER and Fort Bliss is that some of the USA’s ‘captured’ Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists were held there, and it was Nazi human experiments, as described by other Paperclip ‘captives’, that led to US mind control projects. But the Nazis […]
Lobster Issue 84 (Winter 2022)
[PDF file]: […] visited a section that had been used as the Azov Battalion’s headquarters. She writes: As from the material which was left behind, you could clearly see the Nazi ideology, Hitler paintings, SS stickers, books and booklets with swastikas and brochures and manuals from NATO, filled with instructions—along with the business cards of the NATO […]
Lobster Issue 83 (Summer 2022)
[PDF file]: […] the rest of the Christian Right, Robertson was determined to portray evangelical Christians as an oppressed minority in the United States, comparing them to the Jews in Nazi Germany! In September 1993, he proclaimed: ‘Just like what Nazi Germany did to the Jews, so liberal America is now doing to the evangelical Christians. It’s […]
Lobster Issue 79 (Summer 2020)
[PDF file]: […] The question is, and remains, just how much of the episode was founded on a real conspiracy by potential appeasers – either in Britain or in the Nazi regime. It is quite plausible that the flight offered a long odds attempt to reach conciliation with anti-Churchill elements and allow a month for German forces […]