The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] to be found on Global Research. 39 The most startling claim there is this about James Earl Ray’s escape from prison a year or so before King’s murder. William Pepper: ‘Yes, that was arranged. J Edgar Hoover sent $25,000 into Memphis with Clyde Tolson, his number 2. Tolson was always an intermediary. . .intermediary […]

Kelly Bond 007 text

Lobster Issue

[…] with the Secret Service at the door. While Harvey didn’t look like James Bond, he was just as lethal, and has been considered a suspect in the murder of JFK. After attending a party at Philby’s apartment in Washington, Harvey also was one of the first to claim that Philby and Burgess were Soviet […]

Still thinking about Dallas

Lobster Issue

[…] essay cited in note 17. 22 Once again we owe this to the incredibly assiduous John Simkin. See 23 And this may also explain (a) Mary Meyer’s murder and (b) the intense interest of James Angleton in her diary, which he found and suppressed. 24 25 26 On Meyer’s anti-communism see . p. 124 […]

A Classless Society: Britain in the 1990s by Alwyn W. Turner

Lobster Issue 66 (Winter 2013) FREE

[PDF file]: […] months after Blair was re-elected in June 2001. The September 11 attacks were rather like the Cuban missile crisis, the building of the Berlin Wall and the murder of President Kennedy all rolled into one. While in many ways the noughties (up until 2008) represented the continuation of the nineties by other means, the […]


Lobster Issue 65 (Summer 2013) FREE

[PDF file]: […] led him to set up a parliamentary inquiry headed by Andrew Tyrie, the chairman of the Treasury Select Committee.3 Though Sir Desmond de Silva’s review into the murder of Belfast solicitor Pat Finucane4 found no evidence of an ‘overarching state conspiracy’, he did find plenty of evidence of ‘shocking state collusion’. Quite where ‘collusion’ […]

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