Lobster Issue 59 (Summer 2010)
[PDF file]: […] the time.) Having worked on this issue for a long time, it’s hard for me to see it; but from Anthony Frewin’s essay on the Frank Olsen murder of the 1950s, through Simon Matthews’ piece on the US involvement in the ‘pirate’ radio stations of the 1960s, Robert Henderson’s piece on Enron accounting, John […]
Lobster Issue 75 (Summer 2018)
[PDF file]: […] Fascists, like Rolf Gardiner, became pioneers of the nascent Green movement, promoting agricultural reform and ecological awareness. Some became involved in pro-Arab, antiZionist activism, particularly following the murder of two British sergeants by the Israeli terrorist group, Irgun, in 1947. Others, such as the Earl of Portsmouth, went to Africa after the War to […]
Lobster Issue 80 (Winter 2020)
[PDF file]: […] of 2018. Until recently they have by and large maintained their silence regarding their experiences as members of the Trump administration. In the aftermath of the police murder of George Floyd and of Trump’s threatening to use troops against Black Lives Matter protesters, Mattis has spoken out. The violent clearing of peaceful protesters from […]
Lobster Issue 77 (Summer 2019)
[PDF file]: […] Blair to play the role of George W. Bush’s loyal flunky and so generated this ‘blowback’. But see Nick Must’s ‘How viable was the ‘ISIS-inspired Theresa May murder plot?’ at and the case of Lewis Ludlow, ‘the Oxford Street terror plotter’ at . Thanks to Nick Must for these examples. 20 See for example, […]
Lobster Issue 70 (Winter 2015)
[PDF file]: […] group was actually the American Nationalist Party and according to Caulfield never 1 Monumental indeed. Almost one thousand pages. Jeffrey H. Caulfield M.D., General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy (Moreland Hills, Ohio: Moreland Press, 2015). The entry in LHO’s address book is reproduced on p. 75. The work is available from amazon […]
Lobster Issue 75 (Summer 2018)
[PDF file]: […] then aged 40, who had returned from a tour of duty in Vietnam disillusioned and disgusted with his nation’s ‘bloody, hopeless, uncompelled, and surely immoral prolongation mass murder.’ Ellsberg declared: ‘I felt that as an American citizen, as a responsible citizen, I could no longer cooperate in concealing this information from the American public. […]
Lobster Issue 84 (Winter 2022)
[PDF file]: To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).
Lobster Issue 58 (Winter 2009/2010)