Lobster Issue 83 (Summer 2022)
[PDF file]: […] fact that Linsey kept on his payroll a senior member of the New England Mafia, Mike Rocco. Rocco was a numbers racketeer arrested at various times for murder, extortion, and robbery. Linsey had once been co-owner of the Sahara Motel in Miami with Sam Tucker, a noted bootlegger, gambler, and prominent member (with Moe […]
Lobster Issue 70 (Winter 2015)
[PDF file]: […] But he was also a part-time member of the Ulster Defence Regiment, resigning in 1975 with the rank of Captain. Wallace ‘had been dealing with a Protestant murder group and paedophile operation out of the Kincora Boys’ Home’. (p. 30). There was no ‘murder group’ at Kincora I have ever heard of and Bloom […]
Lobster Issue 69 (Summer 2015)
[PDF file]: […] either as accessories before or accessories after the fact. I believe that there are others out there, I believe there are others who could be charged with murder. I just want you to know how I feel about it, as one of the people who was aimed at in the attack.’ 7 What the […]
Lobster Issue 83 (Summer 2022)
[PDF file]: […] was about to fly to the UK? If the events around Hess, the Duke of Hamilton, Duke of Kent and others in May 1941 were, say, a murder trial or an investigation into a bank robbery, peculiar diary entries by Channon – a very close friend of Kent – would be of interest to […]
Lobster Issue 69 (Summer 2015)
Lobster Issue 73 (Summer 2017)
[PDF file]: […] prompt me to take a proper look at a historical mystery invoked by Masood’s onslaught. Since he plainly intended to invade the House of Commons, presumably to murder as many people as possible once inside, the question arises of how deaths in Parliament are handled. There has been a rumour for many years that […]
Lobster Issue 82 (Winter 2021)
[PDF file]: […] well-respected Reverend Franklin Graham’, who made clear Islam was ‘an evil and wicked religion True Islam cannot be practiced in this country’, not least because ‘You cannot murder your children’. What is new in this volume, however, is that Rubin broadens his attack to embrace the ‘Left’, a category that includes the Democratic Party. […]
Lobster Issue 66 (Winter 2013)
[PDF file]: […] months after Blair was re-elected in June 2001. The September 11 attacks were rather like the Cuban missile crisis, the building of the Berlin Wall and the murder of President Kennedy all rolled into one. While in many ways the noughties (up until 2008) represented the continuation of the nineties by other means, the […]