Lobster Issue 74 (Winter 2017)
[PDF file]: […] which there has been no shortage. It’s easy to see why. Files is a genuine gangster and a would-be killer (his 30-year sentence was for an attempted murder committed in 1991), and he presents a simple story that circumvents the bewildering forest of forensic, ballistic and eyewitness evidence relating to the case. An entirely […]
Lobster Issue 65 (Summer 2013)
[PDF file]: […] this is not one way traffic – but this does not criminalise them. Russian cyber warriors are ‘criminals’; their Chinese equivalents are working for their country. The murder of a British businessman who worked in China and was associated with the now disgraced Bo Xilai, the former Communist Party chief of Chongqing who was […]
Lobster Issue 65 (Summer 2013)
[PDF file]: […] at the time that the same network had been killing people in Texas since 1951 (when Wallace received a five year suspended sentence for a first degree murder). In Estes’ version the JFK killing is merely one element in the wider scandal, the core of which were his secret payments to politicians, notably vice […]
Lobster Issue 78 (Winter 2019)
[PDF file]: […] had been a fireworks manufacturer since the 1940s, this is just a very striking coincidence. 5 See ‘The Story of Project Babylon, British Spooks, Illegal Arms Deals, Murder And A Judicial State Conspiracy’ at or and . 6 The report used to be on-line but is apparently no longer available. A version was released […]