Conservative Radicalism: A Sociology of Conservative Party Youth Structures and Libertarianism 1970-1992

Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££

Timothy Evans Oxford and Providence (USA): Berghahn Books, 1996, £10, h/b Why review a book published in 1996? Well, I received this recently, assumed it was current and didn’t notice the publication date until I began to write this. In the early 1980s it began to dawn on people on the left of British politics … Read more

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The U.S.A. and Transnationalised Repression

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

Transnationalised Repression; Parafascism and the U.S. Both inside and outside the U.S. narcotics enforcement is particularly susceptible to corruption. It is also inescapably a political matter, especially in those areas of covert intelligence and operations which, up to now, have been concerns of the CIA. It is undeniable that DEA has picked up at least … Read more

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The Clash of the Icons

Lobster Issue 40 (Winter 2000/1) £££

Political activist Daniel Ellsberg and Professor Alfred McCoy have something special in common. Based on their actions and accomplishments of nearly thirty years ago, they have achieved the status of icons within the subculture of what passes for the New Left. Icon Ellsberg became a celebrity in 1971 after he leaked The Pentagon Papers, an … Read more

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Last Talons of the Eagle

Book cover
Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££

[…] of the Second World War, Smith and Kay (Putnam 1972) includes virtually all the information in Last Talons of the Eagle. See Tom Bower, Blind Eye to Murder – Britain, America and the Purging of Nazi Germany, a Pledge Betrayed (1981) and The Paperclip Conspiracy (1984) and Christopher Simpson, Blowback – America’s Recruitment of […]

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Sources. Publications etc

Lobster Issue 31 (June 1996) £££

[…] lecture by Peter Dale Scott on the global drug traffic and US intelligence; a long piece by Ralph Schoenman (there’s a blast from the past!) on the murder of Robert Kennedy, inter alia taking issue with Dan Moldea’s recent exculpation of Thane Cesar, everybody else’s candidate for the role of the actual assassin (see […]

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UDA: Inside the heart of Loyalist terror

Book cover
Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££

Henry McDonald and Jim Cusack London: Penguin, 2004, £12.99, p/b   Henry McDonald’s highly readable recent book with Jim Cusack on the Ulster Defence Association (UDA) is everything that other recent offerings on the subject were not. On the one hand, it avoids the kind of borderline homo-erotic sensationalism, in which the atrocities of self-serving … Read more

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The ‘Terrorist Threat’ in Britain

Lobster Issue 17 (1988) £££

With the decline of the revolutionary socialist Left the Right has turned to the anarchists for a law-and-order bogeyman – and a stick to beat the Left with. One journalist involved is Jamie Dettmer. Having worked for Tribune for a while, Dettmer migrated to the Sunday Telegraph (for whom his first article was an ‘expose’ … Read more

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Disinformation: From Euros to UFOs

Lobster Issue 40 (Winter 2000/1) £££

[…] 23 by Christina Lamb, ‘Diplomatic Correspondent’ – a title once held by Coughlin – which claimed that Saddam Hussein had sent belly dancing assassins to London to murder his opponents there. Lamb sourced this to ‘a Foreign Office official’. (4)   Where are they now? Skimming through the e-newsletter NewsmakingNews of 18 September I […]

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The View from the Bridge: Jack Ruby. Jeff Bale. Andrew Neil. Tom Spencer MEP

Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££

Alien baloney In Nexus vol 6 no 2 is another dollop of what seems to me to be obvious disinformation about UFOs and the US government. Another batch of MJ-12 documents have surfaced in America, given to a researcher called Timothy Cooper by a (now conveniently dead) source. Nexus prints some largish chunks from them. … Read more

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Mind control update

Lobster Issue 25 (1993) £££

Mind control update Writing about something you don’t really understand, it’s easy to make bad early decisions. It’s like being self-taught on an instrument and acquiring bad habits. In this case I began by naming this subject ‘ELF’, extremely low frequency, which was about all I picked up from my initial reading of the torrent … Read more

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