Lobster Issue 6 (1984) £££
[…] – essentially relief that a ‘Marxist’ had been got for the dirty deed. For their journals show that they initially expected to get the blame for the murder and were afraid of the consequences. What Kolky singularly fails to do is (a) explain who these people are – no sociology/psychology, and (b) account for […]
Lobster Issue 40 (Winter 2000/1) £££
MI5 and the Wilson Plot The MI5 website (www.mi5.gov.uk) has a section called ‘myths and misunderstandings’, which features, among other things, ‘the Wilson Plot’. The paragraph it devotes to this episode is worth studying. It refers the reader to Spycatcher and Peter Wright’s allegation that ‘up to 30 members of the Service had plotted to … Read more
Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££
Timothy Evans Oxford and Providence (USA): Berghahn Books, 1996, £10, h/b Why review a book published in 1996? Well, I received this recently, assumed it was current and didn’t notice the publication date until I began to write this. In the early 1980s it began to dawn on people on the left of British politics … Read more
Lobster Issue 20 (1990) £££
[…] O’Hagan, Sunday World 11 February 1990 p.19. TARA Tara: there is not the basis for peaceful co- existence — Sunday News, 24th March 1974 p7. Colin Wallace Murder suspect Army spy? Sunday World, 28 September 1980 pp.1 and 3 Harry Irwin NOW! Gregory Voysey writes: In Lobster 17 (pp14-16) you note that Now!, a […]
Lobster Issue 40 (Winter 2000/1) £££
Political activist Daniel Ellsberg and Professor Alfred McCoy have something special in common. Based on their actions and accomplishments of nearly thirty years ago, they have achieved the status of icons within the subculture of what passes for the New Left. Icon Ellsberg became a celebrity in 1971 after he leaked The Pentagon Papers, an … Read more
Lobster Issue 13 (1987) £££
Colin Wallace and ‘Clockwork Orange 2’ In 1974, while working for the British Army’s Northern Ireland psy-ops unit, Information Policy, Wallace was asked (told) by an MI5 officer to work on a psy-ops project, ‘Clockwork Orange 2’. Wallace’s job spec. for CO2 was to produce a document, a first-hand narrative, apparently written by a supporter … Read more
Lobster Issue 34 (Winter 1997) £££
[…] this in the second editon of his new newsletter Abduction Watch. Although the content of the stories varies from claims of secret British operations to cover-up the murder and mutilation of British citizens by aliens, to more mundane tales of secret bases and secret military units, the seven or eight stories in the past […]
Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££
Henry McDonald and Jim Cusack London: Penguin, 2004, £12.99, p/b Henry McDonald’s highly readable recent book with Jim Cusack on the Ulster Defence Association (UDA) is everything that other recent offerings on the subject were not. On the one hand, it avoids the kind of borderline homo-erotic sensationalism, in which the atrocities of self-serving … Read more
Lobster Issue 40 (Winter 2000/1) £££
[…] 23 by Christina Lamb, ‘Diplomatic Correspondent’ – a title once held by Coughlin – which claimed that Saddam Hussein had sent belly dancing assassins to London to murder his opponents there. Lamb sourced this to ‘a Foreign Office official’.(4) Where are they now? Skimming through the e-newsletter NewsmakingNews of 18 September I had […]
Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££
[…] member of British United Industrialists); G.K. Young and Ross McWhirter. Another interesting member was Gerald Howarth. Howarth is the MP said recently to have been plotting the murder of Gerry Gable, but for our purposes his role in the early 1970s in the Prosecute Peter Hain campaign is more interesting. (37) Considering the overlapping […]