The rise and fall of the Bulgarian Connection

Book cover
Lobster Issue 13 (1987) £££

The rise and fall of the Bulgarian Connection Edward S. Herman and Frank Brodhead (Sheridan Square Publications, New York, 1986) When the Turkish Grey Wolves hold rallies they howl collectively. So, at times, do journalists of the ‘free press’. In 1979 Edward Herman wrote After the Cataclysm with Noam Chomsky in which they shredded Western … Read more

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Sinister Forces: A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft: book 1, The Nine

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Lobster Issue 50 (Winter 2005/6) £££

[…] synchronicity, implying causality without demonstrating it. Take another example. The author discusses the wartime OSS propaganda career of the writer Hans Habe and links this to the murder in 1968 of Habe’s daughter, Marina. He writes: ‘Marina had been known to the Manson family and thus they would have presumably known of her famous […]

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Did the CIA sink a ship-load of Leyland buses in the Thames

Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££

[…] behind a sign that read ‘US GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS PROHIBIT DISCUSSION OF THIS ORGANISATION OR FACILITY’. Its sabotage operations were run by station chief Theodore ‘Ted’ Shackley, who had led the Brigade 2506 amphibious landings at the Bay of Pigs and organised Operation Mongoose, a series of covert actions that included attempts to murder Fidel Castro.

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Searchlight yet again

Lobster Issue 28 (December 1994) £££

[…] getting ‘beaten up and possibly hospitalised or perhaps his home is trashed. Here in Ulster the consequences can be fatal. Searchlight could be setting up people for murder.’ September’s Searchlight returned to the story. ‘When Searchlight referred to Charlie using a Catholic teacher from London to convey messages to a man called Kerr in […]

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Web Update

Lobster Issue 34 (Winter 1997) £££

Jane Affleck Here are a few more websites, focusing chiefly on the issue of electronic privacy which is currently being debated both in the U.S. and Europe. Thanks to those who have sent comments, and thanks for contributions to: Terry Hanstock, Ian Tresman and Tony Hollick. Comments and contributions are welcome: I can be contacted … Read more

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Lobster Issue 40 (Winter 2000/1) £££

[…] once again’. The only Officials who might have been involved with the UCA if it had existed were the element that went IRSP with Costello after the murder of Joe McCann. The few survivors, whom I met regularly, have no recollection of any such organisation let alone meeting them. The leaflets were leaked to […]

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Publications and Book Reviews

Lobster Issue 6 (1984) £££

[…] – essentially relief that a ‘Marxist’ had been got for the dirty deed. For their journals show that they initially expected to get the blame for the murder and were afraid of the consequences. What Kolky singularly fails to do is (a) explain who these people are – no sociology/psychology, and (b) account for […]

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Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££

US bioweapons in Korea? In Lobster 44, p. 27, I noted the ongoing controversy about the alleged use of biological weapons by the United States during the Korean War: material from Soviet archives appeared to show that the ‘evidence’ of said biological weapons had been faked to embarrass the Americans; but this ‘evidence’ has since … Read more

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Miscellaneous: Gemstone. Workers’ Revolutionary Party, MI5 and Libya

Lobster Issue 20 (1990) £££

[…] O’Hagan, Sunday World 11 February 1990 p.19. TARA Tara: there is not the basis for peaceful co- existence — Sunday News, 24th March 1974 p7. Colin Wallace Murder suspect Army spy? Sunday World, 28 September 1980 pp.1 and 3 Harry Irwin NOW! Gregory Voysey writes: In Lobster 17 (pp14-16) you note that Now!, a […]

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Lobster Issue 40 (Winter 2000/1) £££

Korean war biological warfare? Issue 11 of the Bulletin of Cold War International History Project contained what appears to be evidence that the allegations by North Korea and the Chinese that the US were using biological warfare during the Korean War were false – were in fact disinformation. Documentsapparently from former Soviet archives seem to … Read more

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