Inside the League

Lobster Issue 13 (1987) £££

Inside the League Scott Anderson and Jon Lee Anderson (Dodd, Mead and Co., New York 1986) This is the only book I know on the World Anti-Communist League. Most of it is new to me but the few bits I am familiar with look accurate, and it is reasonably well documented. It is really in … Read more

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Lobster Issue 35 (Summer 1998) £££

[…] Ray had managed to acquire the identities of four men in Toronto who all looked like him, but omitted any of the subsequent research on the King murder, such as that by John Edginton, the British TV producer, and particularly by Dr William Pepper. Godfrey Hodgson’s obit in the Independent (25 April 1998) was […]

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Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

[…] surveillance activities in Europe must be subject to rigorous oversight, and guarantees must be provided to safeguard against abuse’. Alan A. Block, ‘The National Intelligence Service – murder and mayhem: a historical document’, Crime, Law and Social Change, 38 (2) (September 2002) pp. 89-136. Frank J. Cilluffo, Ronald A. Marks, and George C. Salmoiraghi, […]

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Parapolitical bits and pieces

Lobster Issue 7 (1985) £££

[…] its entirety … (they) present recent Soviet missile deployments in Poland, Czechoslovakia and the GDR as legitimately defensive ” etc. A large (two page) piece on the murder of Hilda Murrell (the anti-nuclear campaigner) in New Statesman (9 November 1984), laying out all the oddities in the case. Tam Dalyell’s repeated claims that this […]

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SIS: Dearlove, Spedding and PR

Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££

[…] funeral at a time when the king’s principally Palestinian country were unimpressed by HMG. A special operations throwback It came as no surprise that the plot to murder Libya’s President – a typical ‘special operations’ throwback, brought to public notice by former MI5 Officer David Shayler, for which he has paid a despicable price […]

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My enemy’s enemy…: Museum Street

Lobster Issue 22 (1991) £££

Introduction The mid 1970s was not a good time to be a social democratic ally of the United States. In Britain we had “the Wilson plots’; in Australia Gough Whitlam, Jim Cairns and the Australian Labour Party got Governor Kerr and the CIA; in Germany Willi Brandt resigned after a “security scandal’; in New Zealand … Read more

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Kennedy assassination miscellany: Book Reviews

Lobster Issue 7 (1985) £££

[…] it seems an employee of Collins Radio, who had a security clearance, was parked in the car park where Oswald allegedly dropped a jacket shortly after the murder of Officer Tippit. (This is in a volume of the House Select Committee on Assassinations but I don’t have the reference at hand. If someone can […]

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Cyberculture: Counterconspiracy

Book cover
Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££

[…] American History. The first volume is the better of the two if you want information; the second contains a couple of long graphic features, one on the murder of Officer Tippet done as a comic strip, which I could have done without and a second, a photographic feature on the Manson gang members. Of […]

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The rise and fall of the Bulgarian Connection

Book cover
Lobster Issue 13 (1987) £££

The rise and fall of the Bulgarian Connection Edward S. Herman and Frank Brodhead (Sheridan Square Publications, New York, 1986) When the Turkish Grey Wolves hold rallies they howl collectively. So, at times, do journalists of the ‘free press’. In 1979 Edward Herman wrote After the Cataclysm with Noam Chomsky in which they shredded Western … Read more

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The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

Do they talk like this? At < > there is a very interesting piece by Richard Cummings about the CIA and publishing; agents and operations are named. At the top of the article is this quote. ‘We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose … Read more

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