Where’s Ware?

Lobster Issue 39 (Summer 2000) £££

[…] Mail and Daily Mirror – including the ‘Walter Mitty’ theme). The ‘line’ has been changed. At Wallace’s trial, in the effort to get him convicted of the murder of Jonathan Lewis via a ‘karate blow’ to the base of his nose, Wallace was portrayed as a dangerous killer/macho man. I believe that in 1987 […]

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Trying to kill Nasser

Lobster Issue 9 (1985) £££

The drip feed of information on the attempted assassination of President Nasser continues. In a recent episode of the Channel 4 TV series ‘The End of Empire’, Sir Anthony Nutting, former Minister of State at the Foreign Office, who later resigned over Suez, recalled that he had been “horrified” to receive a telephone call from … Read more

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After Iraq: some FCO/SIS issues

Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] justice: e.g. the campaigns mounted by Ken Bigley’s family, prior to his execution in Iraq, to secure his release; or that of hotelier John Ward following the murder of his daughter Julie in Kenya. These personal tragedies have been presented in a vacuum, when the reality is that the campaigns organised by the families, […]

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Lobster Issue 8 (1985) £££

[…] Diamond St., Mansfield, OH 44903. USA. A monthly on JFK & RFK assassinations plus historical articles. $12.00 per year. The Third Decade, bi-monthly research journal on JFK murder, $15.00 per year. Write Jerry D. Rose, State University College, Fredonia, NY 14063. USA. Single issues are $3.00 each. The Conspiracy Tracker, a bi-monthly covers conspiracies […]

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The DFS, Silvia Duran and the CIA-Mafia connection

Lobster Issue 31 (June 1996) £££

[…] back to the 1940s. The DFS and the Mexican drug traffic became increasingly intertwined after 1963; the last two DFS Chiefs were indicted, for smuggling and for murder; and the DFS itself was nominally closed down in the midst of Mexico’s 1985 drug scandals. (Jose Antonio Zorrilla, the ex-DFS chief arrested and indicted in […]

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Who Killed Patrick Quinn?

Book cover
Lobster Issue 47 (Summer 2004) £££

[…] legal-judicial system to stop it. This 80-page glue-bound, A5 pamphlet recounts the story of the events which preceded that harassment: how the police framed him for the murder of Patrick Quinn who was beaten to death in Hammersmith police station by a policeman or policemen; the three trials Kennedy endured; the lawsuit brought against […]

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Pius XII, the Holocaust and the Cold War

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Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££

[…] that lay behind the operation. As far as Pius was concerned, Nazi war criminals were first and foremost anti-Communists and this was more important than any mass murder they might have committed. He actually interceded with the incredulous Allies to urge clemency for the likes of Arthur Greiser and Hans Frank. Even more astonishing, […]

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The Conspirators: secrets of an Iran-Contra insider

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Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££

[…] In short, the entire section appears to be false in virtually every detail. There is another section which made me wonder. On p. 58 he describes the murder of a witness and writes: ‘This was actually a sanitation team which had been sent from Department 4 of the Central Directorate – otherwise known as […]

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Stalker, Conspiracy?

Lobster Issue 23 (1992) £££

[…] a bitter tug-of-war between those who believe that methods of intelligence-gathering should be protected at all costs and those who regard the tape as possible evidence of murder committed by police, and therefore belonged in a wider arena.’ (16) Head of RUC Special Branch, Trevor Forbes, told Stalker, ‘You will never be able to […]

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No smoke without fire?

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Lobster Issue 52 (Winter 2006/7) £££

[…] photographic evidence. In such circumstances it becomes difficult to tell the difference between a safe and an unsafe conviction. This approach would not be allowed in a murder or robbery trial, for instance. More importantly it would not be followed in instances where a child is kidnapped and murdered (Soham), or tortured and neglected […]

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