Search Results for: mind
The Gloucester Horror
[PDF file]: […] at Halfpenny Green Airfield, Staffordshire. Thirty seconds after takeoff, witnesses saw the prince’s plane ‘drop out of the sky’ and explode on 8 It is to my mind plausible that the disease itself is the actual origin and ‘calling card’ of European royal houses (royals being jocularly known in Britain as having ‘blue blood’), […]
Books on New Labour
[PDF file]: […] assembled on his premiership records a fall from grace summed up by its title. ‘The demure public image was the front of a woman with a steely mind who was fiercely protective of her husband and family. She formed a strong, and to some at No 10 surprising, alliance with Damian McBride and Charlie […]
[PDF file]: […] lot of research and was about to produce a report on how to rein in the City and support the domestic manufacturing economy, when Kinnock changed his mind in 1988, took the first steps towards accepting that there was no alternative to the established City-dominated economic system, and ignored the committee’s work. With the […]
Collapse of stout party: Eden, Suez and America
[PDF file]: […] behest of the US and their local supporters? Have there been others? The general election of 1970 that resulted in a surprise Wilson defeat inevitably comes to mind. The US – and many within the UK’s intelligence and military – wanted Wilson out in 1970. The election that year was characterised by an extensive […]
A Classless Society: Britain in the 1990s by Alwyn W. Turner
[PDF file]: […] game to remember victims of the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan in March 2011. The state ideology and the folk religion sometimes overlapped subconsciously in the public mind, as in this splendid vignette from Mr Turner from shortly after the 1997 election : ‘Giles Radice was surprised to be visited at his constituency surgery […]
Ian Cameron (obituary)
[PDF file]: […] of a separate (1997) Angry Brigade volume by Tom Vague. This is the most remarkable of the book’s new items. At moments this brought Ali G to mind. Barker writes with obvious 1 2 This originally appeared in newsletter of the Kate Sharpley Library. 3 1 and very welcome sincerity that the Angry Brigade, […]
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Show Me The Bodies by Peter Apps
[PDF file]: To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).
Brexit beginnings
[PDF file]: […] force, whilst remaining outside the single market, implies importing a substantial workforce from countries further afield than Europe. Perhaps this is what she and Starmer have in mind. 13 Part of which is the continued belief that the UK has one of the richest economies in the world. Frequently described as being the ‘5th […]