Search Results for: mind
The miners and the secret state
[PDF file]: […] fact that Roger Windsor was eventually paid a total of £80,000 by the Mirror does not seem to have raised a doubt about his veracity in Greenslade’s mind.) Here we have a recognisable and quite elaborate disinformation operation. But by whom? We don’t know. Most suspect MI5. Stella Rimington was asked about Roger Windsor […]
Fifteen years on from 9/11
[PDF file]: […] could have been compromised. “We all know what 9/11 meant to the country, and his treating those records in such a manner will always leave, in my mind, a cloud over whether or not the 9/11 Commission got full production of the records that they requested, and that to me is extremely serious and […]
[PDF file]: […] behaviour – if that is possible. So far at least, Trump does not seem to have identified Pence as a possible threat. He might well change his mind if someone tells him about this book (he’s hardly going to read it himself). If he does come to see Pence as a potential rival, then […]
The Phoenix Program: America’s Use of Terror in Vietnam by Douglas Valentine
Labour Takes Power: The Denis MacShane Diaries
[PDF file]: […] in the Middle East just opens Pandora’s Box and we have no politics of democratic change or change of any sort in the region’. He does not mind bombing Saddam, but he cannot see any ‘strategic analysis of what to do in the region as a whole. We live from hand to mouth.’ He […]
The economic crisis
[PDF file]: […] (or Hull, where I live); then ask yourself if those changes are compatible with membership of (a) the World Trade Organisation and (b) the European Union. (Never mind whether or not they would be compatible with lower carbone missions etc.) Page 57 Winter 2009/10 Lobster 58 So financial services are only 7.1% of GDP. […]
David Stirling: The Phoney Major: The Life, Times and Truth about the Founder of the SAS, by Gavin Mortimer
[PDF file]: […] military establishment – is actually an obstacle to success, is holding the country back, indeed putting it in danger. Men like this are what we need. Re mind you of anyone? And does all this presage an attempt to revive the SAS as the right-wing cultural phenomenon it became during the Thatcher years? In […]
Some agent protection issues and more comment on SIS PR
[PDF file]: […] matters arising will have been of interest to those recently recruited or considering working with SIS, whether as staff or agent: criminal collusion tends to concentrate the mind. Particularly traumatised will be some individuals of other authoritarian nations, seeking the overthrow of their leaders and sharing information with SIS in the belief they have […]
Bilderberg Myths: Were the Bilderbergers behind the 1973 oil shock?
[PDF file]: […] Rise of China and World Order: An Interview with F. William Engdahl’, International Critical Thought, May 2014, p. 134 26 F. William Engdahl, ‘Washington Underestimated the Iranian Mind’, New Eastern Outlook, 10 February 2016, . 27 ‘Kissinger was invited to that meeting, by the way.’ 28 Despite the curious inconsistencies in Engdahl’s wording, many […]