The economic crisis continues

Lobster Issue 61 (Summer 2011) FREE

[PDF file]: The economic crisis continues Robin Ramsay The bottom line (of the bottom line) At the end of December 2010 Her Majesty’s Treasury put out a document which stated: ‘…net debt excluding the temporary effects of financial interventions was £889.1 billion, equivalent to 59.3 per cent of gross domestic product (£2322.7 billion, equivalent to 154.9% including […]

Did the Mossad steal John le Carré’s cunning plan?

Lobster Issue 79 (Summer 2020) FREE

[PDF file]: […] by a German neo-Nazi intent on killing German Jews. Mrs Frank, now 63 and living in Shropshire, thinks the Drummer Girl–derived plan may have originated in the mind of her mentor, the British-born Israeli spymaster David Kimche, known in Israel for secret diplomacy as ‘the man with the suitcase’.9 The Hollywood version of The […]

Using the UK FOIA, part III

Lobster Issue 76 (Winter 2018) FREE

[PDF file]: […] no actual evidence to support this, except the word of the FCO. Further more, I find it quite farcical that the Tribunal judgement additionally states: ‘bearing in mind the FCO’s expertise in the field, we are inclined to accept their position on section 27(1).’ So, if the FCO wish to withhold information, the FCO […]

Wall Street, the Supermob, and the CIA

Lobster Issue 83 (Summer 2022) FREE

[PDF file]: […] of the Chicago mob, John Rosselli, told a fellow gangster how Korshak acted as the legitimate face of organized crime: One thing you’ve got to keep in mind with Korshak. He’s made millions for Chicago and he’s got plenty of clout in LA and Vegas. Sid’s really burrowed in. He’s real big with the […]

Powers, Angleton, Morley and Dallas

Lobster Issue 76 (Winter 2018) FREE

[PDF file]: […] martyrdom? Some insiders think so.’ 17 Powers widened the scope of this: ‘. . . behind these suspicions, never resolved, lay a still darker fear in the mind of Robert Kennedy: that he himself, if any of the four had been established as the guilty party, could not have escaped at least some measure […]

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