Lobster Issue 58 (Winter 2009/2010)
[PDF file]: […] (or Hull, where I live); then ask yourself if those changes are compatible with membership of (a) the World Trade Organisation and (b) the European Union. (Never mind whether or not they would be compatible with lower carbone missions etc.) Page 57 Winter 2009/10 Lobster 58 So financial services are only 7.1% of GDP. […]
Lobster Issue 83 (Summer 2022)
[PDF file]: […] a world war and rationing, he parties hard. Keeping up with his endless social activities (he is always dining, noon and night, and continually drinking) brings to mind the observation of how difficult it would be for any reader to try and emulate the alcohol intake of James Bond, and remain sober.2 In the […]
Lobster Issue 76 (Winter 2018)
[PDF file]: […] Rise of China and World Order: An Interview with F. William Engdahl’, International Critical Thought, May 2014, p. 134 26 F. William Engdahl, ‘Washington Underestimated the Iranian Mind’, New Eastern Outlook, 10 February 2016, . 27 ‘Kissinger was invited to that meeting, by the way.’ 28 Despite the curious inconsistencies in Engdahl’s wording, many […]
Lobster Issue 68 (Winter 2014)
[PDF file]: […] in the last three years caused by the low payments made in ‘green pounds’ (i.e. Euros) via UK membership of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy. But never mind, eh? Trust your Uncle Tony: he may not know how to use a PC but he knows we have ‘the knowledge economy’ coming over the horizon […]
Lobster Issue 58 (Winter 2009/2010)
[PDF file]: […] known for advising Democrat candidates so Harding missed an opportunity to balance the picture). And what of those firms – one prominent UK PR company comes to mind – with a history of working for 28 Alpha Dogs p. 219 29 New York Times 9 July 1996 30 Strobe Talbott, The Russia Hand (New […]
Lobster Issue 72 (Winter 2016)
[PDF file]: […] the NSA mass surveillance program operates in a similar fashion, presenting US citizens with an ‘implicit bargain’: ‘……pose no challenge and you have nothing to worry about. Mind your own business, and support or at least tolerate what we do, and you’ll be fine. Put differently, you must refrain from provoking the authority that […]
Lobster Issue 83 (Summer 2022)
[PDF file]: […] The first, by Tim Tate, was reviewed by me at . 4 It is tempting to think that Golitsyn must have been sent to mess with Angleton’s mind. But all reports agree that he brought little useful material and talked such nonsense, it seems unlikely to me that the Soviets would have sent someone […]