Kelly Bond 007 essay

Lobster Issue

[…] began writing the 007 books, the official story is that Fleming began to write ‘the spy story to end all spy stories’ in order to ‘take his mind off an impending marriage’. While marriage for the long time bachelor was certainly in the works, other more important things were on his mind. Noel Coward, […]

Broken Heartlands: A Journey Through Labour’s Lost England by Sebastian Payne

Lobster Issue 82 (Winter 2021) FREE

[PDF file]: […] the Labour Party and working-class voters is broken, it takes something new to win them back. The party has yet to find an answer for Scotland, never mind in England.’ So how is Starmer to do that given the structural, economic and societal changes that Payne says ‘have made these parts of England more […]

Olivia Jayne Frank, 1956-2023

Lobster Issue free article
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[PDF file]: […] of ritualistic obligation had robbed them of compassion. I was shocked to see that this important officer of the state of Israel did not dare speak his mind on the street. As he paced the floor, he told me that politics and ritual had crossed swords in the Holy Land for so long that […]

More on Hess

Lobster Issue 86 (2023) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] reliably turning up at remote scenes of crime with a pair of open minds, gathering evidence of conspiracies which may well prove too sketchy for the procedural mind of a civil service solicitor at the Crown Prosecution Service. Richard J. Evans has himself explained the problem. Historians bring a whole variety of ideas, theories, […]

South of the border

Lobster Issue 78 (Winter 2019) FREE

[PDF file]: […] the February 2000 press release, mentioned above. The old mantra, ‘If you stick to the truth you won’t have to remember whatever lie you’ve told’ comes to mind. 9 have not done. My disagreement with him is that I don’t believe he could possibly now remember an unredacted name on an MI6 intelligence document […]

In the Thick of It: The private diaries of a minister Alan Duncan

Lobster Issue 82 (Winter 2021) FREE

[PDF file]: […] . 10 8 chaired the Jewish Leadership Council, a key body in promoting the ‘Labour anti-semitism’ scare?11 This is just one of many questions that come to mind reading this tour d’horizon of the much-travelled diarist. But first he must be thanked for telling us so much about the workings of UK government and […]

007’s real mission continues

Lobster Issue 88 (2024) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] began writing the 007 books, the official story is that Fleming began to write ‘the spy story to end all spy stories’ in order to ‘take his mind off an impending marriage’. While marriage for the long time bachelor was certainly in the works, other more important things were on his mind. Noel Coward, […]

Kelly Bond 007 text

Lobster Issue

[…] began writing the 007 books, the official story is that Fleming began to write ‘the spy story to end all spy stories’ in order to ‘take his mind off an impending marriage’. While marriage for the long time bachelor was certainly in the works, other more important things were on his mind. Noel Coward, […]

The Two Goulds

Lobster Issue 63 (Summer 2012) FREE
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[PDF file]: The two Goulds Robin Ramsay In ‘The crisis’ in issue 62 of Lobster I referred to the economic debate during the Labour Party’s policy review, which produced the Meet the Challenge, Make the Change document in 1989. On page 6 of that are these sentences: The Conservatives are the party for the City. We are […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 69 (Summer 2015) FREE

[PDF file]: […] issue 28 I have argued that Chauncey Holt 26 Stone’s book is reviewed in Lobster 66 at . 27 ‘Roger Stone vs. the world: inside the conspiracy-filled mind of legendary GOP trickster’ at I pointed out Caro’s omission of Estes in Lobster 65 at the end of 28 probably wasn’t the ‘third tramp’ on […]

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