Zelensky Ukraine parapolitics

Lobster Issue

[…] of the metaphor ‘turn the key’ evokes the literary roman à clef . Perhaps that genre’s long association with true crime was an unconscious factor in Zelensy’s mind, given that he was inadvertently confessing to campaign finance fraud. One TV viewer later told researchers: Somewhere in subconscious you made some, well, not analogies, but […]

Zelensky Ukraine parapolitics

Lobster Issue

[…] of the metaphor ‘turn the key’ evokes the literary roman à clef . Perhaps that genre’s long association with true crime was an unconscious factor in Zelensy’s mind, given that he was inadvertently confessing to campaign finance fraud. One TV viewer later told researchers: Somewhere in subconscious you made some, well, not analogies, but […]

Mad Mitch’s Tribal Law: Aden and the end of Empire by Aaron Edwards

Lobster Issue 68 (Winter 2014) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Conservative MP for Aberdeenshire West, joining the pretty extremist Monday Club and Anglo-Rhodesian Society. He also became an ‘icon’ for the Conservative Right, who of course didn’t mind any of this. There were ‘rumours’ – only – that he ‘was engaged as a trouble-shooter for the Thatcher government’ in the early 1980s. Most damaging […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 75 (Summer 2018) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] operation involving planted information; deception of the British and authorised personnel; attacks on individuals which do nothing to advance the fight against terrorism.’ 7 * new * Mind control Muckrock is a website devoted to FOIA requests in the USA. It recently had a story headed: ‘Washington State Fusion Centre accidentally releases records on […]

Disclosure and deceit: Secrecy as the manipulation of history, not its concealment

Lobster Issue 61 (Summer 2011) FREE

[PDF file]: […] and thousands of troops recruited by the ‘West’ to support the Tsarist armies and fascist Siberian Republic. It is essential to bear these over-arching contextual points in mind when considering the value of classified US documents and their disclosure, whether by Wikileaks or Bob Woodward. It is essential to bear these points in mind […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] on the free market/business groups assembled around the Conservative Party’s spokespeople on the environment and economic policy, on a site that is new to me, DESMOG.uk.13 Never mind the imminent collapse of the environment, what we need is more economic freedom and less government regulation! The question that always arises with these groups is […]

The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] operation involving planted information; deception of the British and authorised personnel; attacks on individuals which do nothing to advance the fight against terrorism.’ 7 * new * Mind control Muckrock is a website devoted to FOIA requests in the USA. It recently had a story headed: ‘Washington State Fusion Centre accidentally releases records on […]

The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue 63 (Summer 2012) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] I don’t know what she is talking about but we get the picture: like Ussher, Smith thinks she knows which butts need to be kissed and doesn’t mind saying so. If you copy America, you get . . . America Will Hutton described Prime Minister Cameron’s December vetoing of the proposed revision of the […]

1976 anmd all that

Lobster Issue

[…] 23 November 1976 Tony Benn noted in his diary, ‘Peter suspected the figures produced by the Treasury.’ As did Prime Minister Callaghan: ‘The only doubt in my mind, borne of previous experience, was how far to trust the figures.’ James Callaghan, Time and Chance (London: Collins, 1987) p. 422. Healey wrote: ‘I cannot help […]

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