Lobster Issue 19 (1990) £££
[…] independent and critical minds, is unfortunately the smallest. On the right side of the political spectrum, only one article specifically dealing with the papal plot comes to mind, (23) although there are some fine academic studies of terrorism per se with a conservative or rightist bias. (24) On the left, this category is dominated […]
Lobster Issue 50 (Winter 2005/6) £££
[…] book. Not that it isn’t an interesting read: it is. But you would have to be seriously incompetent to make uninteresting a subject list which includes assassination, mind control, the occult, extraterrestrials, channelling etc. My problems are with the author’s belief in the Jungian notion of synchronicity, in his words: ‘another mechanism in the […]
Lobster Issue 39 (Summer 2000) £££
[…] my hope that she is involved: the subject desperately needs somebody of her calibre. Into the mainstream The cluster of subjects under the headings of microwaves and mind control continue to produce items of significance: the subject is finally breaking through into the mainstream media. For example a piece in the New Scientist of […]
Lobster Issue 29 (1995) £££
[…] was spent in setting up a Special Forces Club… Apart from the social and benevolent functions of the Club, a secondary objective was never far from his mind. This was the need to maintain a worldwide network which could be activated in the event of a future war and provide the nucleus of national […]
Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££
[…] I heard Bower interviewed on Radio 4. He said that he had begun this book as something of an admirer of Brown but had changed his mind while writing it. Change his mind he certainly did: this is a serious assault on the man. Although there is little which is new in this […]
Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££
[…] in the capital, he began giving interviews to the press, including the New York Times, ‘explaining’ what had happened. Jim Jones, he said, ‘was a genius of mind control, a master. He knew exactly what he was doing. I have never seen anything like this…..but the jungle, the isolation, gave him absolute control.'(14) Just […]
Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££
Secrets and Lies: A history of CIA mind control and germ warfare Gordon Thomas JR Books (www.jrbooks.com) 2007, h/b, £20 Gordon Thomas has written a number of books on the intelligence services and this has a glossy cover, voluminous appendices and some admiring quotes. But it adds little to what we already know […]
Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££
[…] situation because there really isn’t much to say that hasn’t already been said, for example by Larry Elliot in The Guardian every week.’ Well, I changed my mind about that and here are the bits I found most interesting or useful. Only one warning light on the UK economy: inflation The Bank of England’s […]
Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££
[…] it has ‘never denied’ having manipulation weapons. (I received a phone call and two faxes from an Official Secrets Act Section 1(1) covered civil servant to re mind me of this, whilst on vacation, three days before recording an interview for a TV documentary that was screened nationally in the UK on 12 May […]
Lobster Issue 34 (Winter 1997) £££
[…] states, particularly Germany. ‘Heath had been very impressed, when visiting Germany, by Willy Brandt’s regular round-table consultations with the unions and the German system of co-partnership; his mind began moving towards establishing a similar relationship in Britain by which the unions should be given an acknowledged role in the running of the economy.'(13) Heath […]