Kincora: abuse and the British state

Lobster Issue 83 (Summer 2022) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Broderick on 13 May 1985, but in his record of that interview there is no mention of the document’s existence. That appears to be inexplicable, bearing in mind its obvious significance to the RUC investigation. Moreover, although Peter Broderick informed RUC DI Cooke that my superior officer in Psy Ops was Colonel Geoffrey Hutton, […]

Secret Science: A Century of Poison Warfare and Human Experiments by Ulf Schmidt

Lobster Issue 70 (Winter 2015) FREE

[PDF file]: […] on to discuss LSD experiments with service personnel at Porton Down in the 1950s done at the behest of MI6 who were much vexed by questions of mind control, truth drugs and brain washing, and that’s it. End of the discussion of ‘truth drugs’, LSD, mind control experiments, and so on. Our 2 Subsequently […]

Misleading Parliament – a case to answer

Lobster Issue 86 (2023) FREE

See also: Misleading Parliament – Appendices

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[PDF file]: […] an MI5 document written in 1975, i.e. the job specification document. Why was Mr Calcutt prevented from having access to the full job justification document, bearing in mind that it was specifically requested by the MoD (Dept. ASD2) before approval was given for my appointment? It should also be noted that I had previously […]

View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] the Soviet Union, got off a million-to-one shot in Dallas. He acted alone. Or he was an instrument of a conspiracy so immense that it staggers the mind.’ In the first place Oswald wasn’t ‘trained as a sharpshooter’ by the Marines. Like all Marines, he was trained to fire a rifle. But had Mr […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 81 (Summer 2021) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] Rudolf Hesses. Now we discover there were two ‘Sidney Gottliebs’. The first one – Sidney with an ‘i’ – was one of the brains behind the CIA’s ‘mind control’ experiments in the 1950s and 60s.26 The second one, discovered by Simon Matthews – Sydney with a ‘y’ – was a psychiatrist in the UK […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 78 (Winter 2019) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] UK economy and bringing asset price volatility under control, while nurturing non-financial exporting sectors.’38 Yes, indeed. And good luck selling that to the British political system (never mind the electorate). It is precisely the difficulty of persuading those within the daily travel distance to London that their influence and share of the national cake […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] UK economy and bringing asset price volatility under control, while nurturing non-financial exporting sectors.’37 Yes, indeed. And good luck selling that to the British political system (never mind the electorate). It is precisely the difficulty of persuading those within the daily travel distance to London that their influence and share of the national cake […]

The secret life of Bellingcat’s so-called ‘Timmi Allen’

Lobster Issue 87 (2023) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] past during his formal education. Living alongside this flourishing pro-Soviet propaganda installation, and occasionally venturing inside it, can only have exercised a strong influence on Olaf’s developing mind. One might describe it as immersive indoctrination, and it left an indelible impression. Many years later, Neitsch would take up residence in another town with similarly […]

Ukrainian Psyops

Lobster Issue 86 (2023) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] Mr Wallace’s feigned compassion for Russian families with members in military service was clearly intended to spread fear, uncertainty, and distrust through Russia’s armed services. Mr Wallace’s mind games probably succeeded to some degree, since cynicism about being treated as disposable ‘cannon fodder’ is always endemic in the lower orders of any army. What […]

Ukrainian psyops

Lobster Issue

[…] Mr Wallace’s feigned compassion for Russian families with members in military service was clearly intended to spread fear, uncertainty, and distrust through Russia’s armed services. Mr Wallace’s mind games probably succeeded to some degree, since cynicism about being treated as disposable ‘cannon fodder’ is always endemic in the lower orders of any army. What […]

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