The View from the Bridge. Psy-ops. Common Cause. Larry Flynt. Hepple/Matthews. John Ware

Lobster Issue 35 (Summer 1998) £££

A stranger harvest The best single volume on the alien abduction connundrum I have come across is C.D. B. Bryan’s Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London 1995). In it Linda Moulton Howe, the American film-maker who made A Strange Harvest about the ‘cattle mutilation’ phenomenon in the United States, describes to … Read more

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Was the 1974 oil price hike engineered by the Bilderberg group

Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££

[…] he had a copy of the minutes of that meeting, that they were 70 pages of them, and that he would, eventually, make me a copy. Never mind the 70 pages, I replied, what was on the agenda that year? And is there anything to stand up the claim that the oil price hike […]

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My encounter with George K. Young and Tory Action, 1979-1988

Lobster Issue 52 (Winter 2006/7) £££

[…] a liberal and believed that liberalism – belief in freedom, rights, democracy, equality of women – was essentially a European idea, linked to a ‘European structure of mind’ and protected by a homogeneous community which was threatened by immigration. GKY’s aims But who was he trying to impress? The ‘correspondents’ themselves, the party leaders […]

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The murder of Hilda Murrell: ten years on

Lobster Issue 27 (1994) £££

Introduction Clear cut examples of political murder, or state assassination in the mainland UK have been virtually non-existent. It is that fact which has helped focus so much attention on the deaths of Hilda Murrell and, in Scotland, of Willie McRae. Lobster got into this area relatively early, printing in issue 16 a long report … Read more

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Lobster Issue 56 (Winter 2008/9) £££

Dodgy dossiers Steven Kettell, author of Dirty politics? New Labour, British democracy and the invasion of Iraq (London: Zed Books, 2006), argues that New Labour wanted regime change in Iraq before Bush and before 9/11 and that the production of the WMD Dossier was one of the key components of a broader political strategy designed … Read more

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Watergate revisited: Hougan’s ‘Secret Agenda’

Lobster Issue 9 (1985) £££

[…] as the Nixon people knew that the CIA knew, they (the White House) must have known that it was all going to come out. With this in mind we should perhaps not so readily accept Hougan’s assertion that the Agency couldn’t have foreseen the outcome. Indeed, we need not assume – as Hougan does […]

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Lobster Issue 49: Contents

Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££

Pieces without an author’s name are by the editor Writers in this issue Jane Affleck is a regular contributor to Lobster. Garrick Alder is a journalist. Richard Alexander is a long-time Lobster reader and contributor. His website is <> Roger Cottrell is a novelist, script writer and PhD student. Tom Easton is a freelance writer. … Read more

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Wallace on Pincher on Wallace

Lobster Issue 21 (1991) £££

[…] my personal view of the named politicians was. It is, therefore, nothing short of disinformation for him to claim otherwise. p. 171 ‘Evidence of Wallace’s state of mind is contained in an essay ‘Ulster — a State of Subversion’, which he admits he wrote himself. His own conclusion was that….’ The ‘essay’ to which […]

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An Unbiased Watch? the police and fascist/anti-fascist street conflict in Britain, 1945-1951

Lobster Issue 35 (Summer 1998) £££

The history of the police, fascism and anti-fascism in Britain, is dominated by three very different interpretations. First, there is the argument that the police acted as a constraint against fascism: intervening against fascist groups as the need arose. Second, there is the opposite view: that the police were a hindrance to anti-fascists, acting always … Read more

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Lobster Issue 52 (Winter 2006/7) £££

Iraqi documents Iraq on the Record (<>) is a searchable collection of over 200 specific misleading statements made by Bush administration officials about the threat allegedly posed by Iraq. The collection would be even larger if it also included statements that appear mistaken only in hindsight. However, if a statement was ‘…an accurate reflection of … Read more

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