Lobster Issue 23 (1992) £££
When I commented on the lack of supporting material for the Operation Splinter Factor thesis (in issue 22), I somehow managed to omit the account of it in William Blum’s The CIA: a forgotten history (Zed, London 1986) pp. 59-61. But that is taken entirely from Stewart Steven’s book and his sources. To the latter’s … Read more
Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££
[…] appeared this year on the CBS News website(2) and in The Times.(3) Has the Bilderberg meeting stopped asking for media silence? That would be my guess. Never mind that the CBS story inevitably framed the subject matter – Bilderbergers in the Obama administration – as the ‘crazy’ concerns of ‘conspiracy theorists’,(4) this is a […]
Lobster Issue 54 (Winter 2007/8) £££
[…] were former members of the Communist Party or members of the Demos think tank. Names like Peter Mandelson, Stuart Hall, Martin Kettle and Martin Jacques spring to mind immediately What particularly interests me about Marshall’s book is its dissection of Christopher and Peter Hitchins’s politics and what it says about the absorption of former […]
Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££
[…] describe terrorist conduct, including the beheading of hostages, is ‘Armed Propaganda’ (AP). This could backfire and seems vaery like a typically dated, crude attempt at ineffective Anglo-US mind control: ‘the Allies’ are equally adept at AP, albeit of a different type. ‘This Week’, BBC TV, 23 September 2004. 15 Financial Terrorists: An example could […]
Lobster Issue 51 (Summer 2006) £££
[…] William Joseph Bryan, by an Onassis middleman.( ) Bryan, who was found dead under mysterious circumstances in Las Vegas, is a likely candidate for the role Sirhan’s mind control Svengali.() Hamshari, targeted by Mossad in December 1972 and later killed on orders from PLO intelligence chief, Abu Iyad, for misappropriating PLO funds notably […]
Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££
[…] this derives from a traditional (and healthy) American disdain for those who put on airs. A word for them in current mid-westese is ‘latte-drinkers’. (‘Frasier’ comes to mind.) But it has gone beyond that now. Kansans despise all urban east- and west-coasters; liberals; intellectuals; vegetarians (Kansas grows a lot of meat); Volvo drivers; effete […]
Lobster Issue 31 (June 1996) £££
[…] Daniel Brandt continues to produce some of the best writing in the fields Lobster covers in NameBase Newsline. Issue 12 has a long essay by Brandt, ‘ Mind Control and the Secret State’, about as good a short survey of the subject as exists. Back issues of Newsline in printed form are $3.00 each; […]
Lobster Issue 40 (Winter 2000/1) £££
[…] CIA documents recently released about the coup in Chile. See Scott Newton’s ‘Historical Notes’ in this issue. Good initially thought the documents were real, eventually changed his mind and is quoted in Jim Marrs’ Alien Agenda (p. 117) as believing they are a fake but contain some genuine information! At this stage in the […]
Lobster Issue 27 (1994) £££
[…] These are facts: what people think they saw or heard is inherently, and demonstrably, unreliable. Hence the centrality of the wounds on the body in the legal mind — and hence, in Lifton’s view, the centrality to the assassination of the same ‘best evidence’. For Fonzi the moment of illumination was the realisation that […]
Lobster Issue 47 (Summer 2004) £££
[…] on Skull and Bones and related areas which are of little value. The Illuminati first appear on p. 17 and editor Milligan gives us an essay titled ‘Mind control, the Illuminati and the JFK assassination’. The least risible of these essays are by the late Anthony Sutton, who has been writing about the group […]