Lobster Issue 50 (Winter 2005/6) £££
[…] what the British government was doing about the problem. The Hansards automatically went world-wide to the relevant ministers in their governments. As a result, and keeping in mind this is a false example, senior health professionals overseas, supported by the relevant minister, would be in a position to go to their governments pointing out […]
Lobster Issue 50 (Winter 2005/6) £££
On reaching 50 Reaching 50 issues is something. More or less than I hoped? Obviously, it never occurred to me twenty plus years ago that I would still be doing this now. But I never had any hopes beyond simply selling enough copies to keep producing it (and maybe, one day, producing an issue which […]
Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££
[…] acclaim. To be fair, this was not the book’s subject, anyway. But reference to Lancaster, which I attended as a mature student from 1969-72, put me in mind of the rumours one heard about the politics department there, the postgrad. students who went off for wargaming at Aberystwyth, and the controversy aroused by proposals […]
Lobster Issue 53 (Summer 2007) £££
[…] the motive was regime change; what happened behind the scenes over the second security council resolution; and the still unexplained reason for Lord Goldsmith’s quick change of mind culminating in his advice that starting the war was legal even without UN backing.’ Berlins speculated: ‘Even more shocking, if true, is the allegation that, many […]
Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££
[…] that the authorities in Nottingham would use their own police officers to resolve what was a civil law situation, but that’s Thatcher for you.’(24) All in the mind? A series of experiments ‘tested whether lacking control increases illusory pattern perception… …as the identification of a coherent and meaningful interrelationship among a set of random […]
Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££
Since the storming of the Iranian Embassy in London on 5 May 1980, the Special Air Service (SAS) has become a cultural phenomenon as much as a military one; has become, in the words of its former Director, Peter de la Billiere, ‘a living embodiment of the individualism of the British’. Their heroic exploits have … Read more
Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££
[…] the mid 1990s, going to 66 countries. Given that we know of a great deal of research by the US military into means of influencing the human mind using electronics, microwaves and ultrasound, for example, it thus possible in my view that the experience of being abducted reported by thousands of Americans (and others […]
Lobster Issue 7 (1985) £££
[…] of ’63. RR: Bobby was an election winner. PDS: Put it this way: Johnson was an election loser. And the way the American system works they don’t mind if somebody’s going to lose because they usually control the other guy too. But the Kennedys were never exactly controllable because they had so much money […]
Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££
[…] appeared this year on the CBS News website(2) and in The Times.(3) Has the Bilderberg meeting stopped asking for media silence? That would be my guess. Never mind that the CBS story inevitably framed the subject matter – Bilderbergers in the Obama administration – as the ‘crazy’ concerns of ‘conspiracy theorists’,(4) this is a […]
Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££
[…] conspiracy fringe – UFOs, maybe. The other reacted immediately: ‘Oh, you don’t want to go there!’ The first agreed enthusiastically, and a kind of double-act developed: ‘ Mind control?’ ‘Don’t want to go there!’ ‘Remote viewing?’ ‘Don’t want to go there!’ ‘Hilda Murrell?’ ‘Don’t want to go there!’ After a couple of minutes of […]