Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££
[…] – and the rest of us – are all likely to be heading. Some years ago Armen Victorian and I discussed assembling all the documents on surveillance, mind control, non-lethal weapons and so on he had accumulated over his years of bombarding the U.S. FOIA system with thousands of requests. We made a few […]
Lobster Issue 56 (Winter 2008/9) £££
[…] the Khan network’s operation. Reasons given at the time were to ‘preserve diplomatic relations’ and, of course, ‘protect the ongoing intelligence operation.’ The former puts one in mind of official interference in the BAe /Saudi scandal more recently.(13) Amin was a seasoned British customs officer with previous experience in international operations. Unlike Edmonds, he […]
Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££
[…] for journalists, they have, with a few honourable exceptions, been shown to be crass, hysterical morons, historical and political illiterates unable to see beyond the simplistic bipolar mind set of a conflict that ended a decade ago. Working themselves into a foam-flecked apoplexy, they have charged like a lynch-mob after a silly old Tankie, […]
Lobster Issue 26 (1993) £££
[…] right all along!’ Natch. Seductive if you’ve never read anything else on the assassination, and disingenuous if you have. Mark Lane is working on a book-length critique. Mind Closed/Case Opened. Russell, Dick. The Man Who Knew Too Much (Hired to Kill Oswald and Prevent the Assassination of JFK Richard Case Nagell Is –). New […]
Lobster Issue 33 (Summer 1997) £££
[…] talk to the far right but when he does so he is an ‘errand boy’. ‘One of Searchlight’s regular themes is to associate me in the public mind with former NF Directorate member and current Third Way activist Patrick Harrington, whom I have interviewed (along with others) for my research….. Patrick Harrington’s stated position […]
Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££
‘Rug merchants’ was the epithet former White House Chief of Staff Don Regan used to describe the Iranians who negotiated secret arms deals for nearly a year with senior officials of the Reagan Administration, including Oliver North of the National Security Council. Regan’s dismissive characterization hardly did justice to the sales skills of North’s Mideast […]
Lobster Issue 2 (1983) £££
[…] media had been turned off Garrison by the increasingly wilder theories, but it did help plant the idea of CIA involvement in the assassination in the public mind. That could be a mixed blessing – perhaps another part of the cover-up for other intelligence agencies (such as Military Intelligence) which may have played an […]
Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££
[…] the British intelligence and security services – far more interesting and surprising to me than the details of operations given here. The expression mind-boggling idiocy comes to mind. And this nonsense had the same consequences in SIS as it has elsewhere in the public sector: faced with career-breaking targets and quotas, people fake them […]
Lobster Issue 16 (1988) £££
[…] suggested that I take a “target” for a ride in my private aeroplane and drop him out over the North Sea. There was no doubt in my mind that this was a request to act as an assassin. Had I agreed to perform any of the many illegal acts requested I would have found […]
Lobster Issue 2 (1983) £££
[…] of Towers’ friends, one of whom tried to have sex with her in Paris. Towers, over the next year, made no sexual advances towards Maria but didn’t mind pushing his friends on her. She signed to Towers’ modelling agency and he gave her a large deposit. The day she left for New York Stephen […]