Rothschild, the right, the far-right and the Fifth Man

Lobster Issue 16 (1988) £££

[…] badly shaken last year by the many innuendoes linking him to the Cambridge spy ring of the 1930s. A typical example was Anthony Glees’ book on ‘British intelligence and Communist Subversion’: “Rothschild (was) remarkably intimate with people subsequently proven to be secret Communists, and Blunt was a major Communist mole”. (1) In a gesture […]

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Non-lethality: John B. Alexander, the Pentagon’s Penguin

Lobster Issue 25 (1993) £££

[…] and Janet Morris, two of the main proponents of the concept. (1) The concept of non-lethal weapons is not new. Non-lethal weapons have been used by the intelligence, police and defence establishments in the past. (2) Several western governments have used a variety of non-lethal weapons in a more discreet and covert manner. It […]

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Surf’s up! Internet sites of interest

Lobster Issue 31 (June 1996) £££

[…] search the EPA publications catalogue. CIA Includes general information about the CIA (its history, mission, and a virtual tour), publications (including World Factbook and Factbook on Intelligence, Chiefs of State and cabinet members of foreign governments, handbook of economic statistics and CIA maps). US Intelligence Community A group of 13 US government […]

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Lobster Issue 29 (1995) £££

[…] 805 899 3433; fax 805 899 4773. US subs are $25 for 4 issues; better inquire for subs outside the US. Surveillant Subtitled ‘Acquisition and Commentary for Intelligence and Security Professionals’, this is the best, most informative magazine about other sources on spooks, their techniques, history and related areas. It is now just starting […]

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Rebranding SIS

Lobster Issue 40 (Winter 2000/1) £££

[…] (including internal and/or ‘friendly’), as ‘enemy’, even if the attack was out-sourced to an individual or terrorist organisation – knew exactly what they were doing. No national intelligence agency, including SIS, defines its product since this changes according to local markets. It is the ‘branding’, targeted overseas at both the status quo and the […]

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Pipe Dreams: the CIA, Drugs, and the Media

Lobster Issue 33 (Summer 1997) £££

[…] with its state-of-the-art website and a political storm began to blow. Soon Maxine Waters of the Congressional Black Caucus was calling for an investigation, and the Senate Intelligence Committee had scheduled hearings. Belatedly, the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and New York Times all recognized that, this time around, they couldn’t ignore the story. […]

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Rebel, rebel

Book cover
Lobster Issue 56 (Winter 2008/9) £££

British Spies and Irish Rebels British Intelligence and Ireland, 1916-1945 Paul McMahon Woodbridge, Suffolk: The Boydell Press, 2008, h/b, £30 First up, I have no specialist knowledge of this area, so if there any howlers in here, I’m unlikely to spot them. However, I know a good book when I see one. This has […]

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The Assassination of John Kennedy: An Alternative Hypothesis

Lobster Issue 2 (1983) £££

[…] apparently perceived by some of those who have studied the case. Not that the idea of a meta-conspiracy isn’t attractive. Faced with a cover-up extending across the intelligence services, the mass media, and the political establishment, many of the JFK researchers made the not unreasonable assumption that it was co-ordinated, and that its purpose […]

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After Iraq: some FCO/SIS issues

Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] justifications for the Iraq war – now understandably giving way to greater anxieties about the well-being of British troops – has led to widespread public recognition of intelligence failure, without balanced apportionment of blame. This has served to obfuscate one of the real problems: over the years ‘intelligence’ has come to be defined by […]

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Willy Brandt: the “Good German”

Lobster Issue 22 (1991) £££

[…] the some of the same characters playing a role in these machinations. David Leigh writes that the Brandt Affair “had involved at least four of the West’s Intelligence agencies, working in partnership with each other — the West Germans, the French, MI5 and the CIA’.(1) A Sunday Times “Insight” article informs us that MI5’s […]

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