View from Bridge 87

Lobster Issue

[…] of Pink Floyd fame) wondering if the Hamas attack on Israel was a false flag attack.8 I confess I did initially wonder if the much vaunted Israeli intelligence services had let it happen. Surely the Palestinian populations were completely penetrated by human and electronic means? Apparently not. Back to the notion of a false […]

Olivia Jayne Frank, 1956-2023

Lobster Issue free article
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[PDF file]: […] a grenade at me. I killed him with a burst from the Uzi. It ripped his body apart.4 She was recruited by A’man, Israeli Defence Force military intelligence, for her first foray as a spy in 1981. I was to play a non-Jewish shiksa , claiming to be a PLO sympathiser, on an undercover […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] Infowars is getting a White House press pass.18 Who’s next? David Icke? Spooks ahoy! And there is the delicious if faintly ridiculous story of the Cambridge University Intelligence Seminar, one of whose convenors was Professor Christopher Andrew, the British spooks’ favourite tame academic. One of the commercial sponsors – to the tune of about […]

Arnhem 65 years on

Lobster Issue 58 (Winter 2009/2010) FREE

[PDF file]: […] for The New York Review of Books and can be found talking about Arnhem, the United Nations and issues of peace and war.5 Urquhart was the chief intelligence officer of the British Airborne Division in 1944 under the command of Major General Frederick – ‘Boy’ – Browning. The second stimulus came through a Polish […]

An Inconvenient Death: How the Establishment Covered Up the David Kelly Affair by Miles Goslett

Lobster Issue 76 (Winter 2018) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Conservative Attorney General from 2011, who refused a request by medical experts and his former party leader for a full inquest, is now the chairman of Parliament’s Intelligence and Security Committee? Did you know that Dr Kelly, smeared as a ‘Walter Mitty character’ by No 10 official Tom Kelly in its 2003 Iraq war […]

Fifteen years on from 9/11

Lobster Issue 72 (Winter 2016) FREE

[PDF file]: […] brother, Salem, was flying down to Florida to publicise a Sarasota school’s reading programme.2 In another DC hotel on September 11 the director general of Pakistan Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), General Mahmood Ahmed, was having breakfast with Senator Bob Splitting some of these long URLs to fit the footnote space may produce problems. If the […]

South of the border

Lobster Issue 76 (Winter 2018) FREE

[PDF file]: […] analysis of other such data sets in producing a final report. It’s really just a technologically assisted and advanced version of what used to be the traditional intelligence analyst’s role, where reports from sources (both overt and covert) would be read, assessed and collated. Considering that it uses techniques that are so close to […]

SUCCESS: The CIA in Guatemala, 1954

Lobster Issue 60 (Winter 2010) FREE

[PDF file]: […] 2010 such as Spruille Braden, were not satisfied; and alongside heightened reforms in Guatemala caused a ‘general uneasiness within the Truman administration,’ 9 leading to increased ‘thin’ intelligence gathering.1 0 The duck test N o matter how thin the evidence was, reports of the possibility of Communism in Guatemala continued. Richard Patterson Jr., Truman’s […]

The Dungavel Handicap Scotland, Churchill and Rudolf Hess, 1941

Lobster Issue 81 (Summer 2021) FREE

[PDF file]: […] to Aid Finland, Lord Balfour of Burleigh (Chairman of Lloyds Bank); the Earl of Lytton (Chairman of London Associated Electricity); Sir George MacDonogh (Former Director of Military Intelligence at the War Office and President of Federation of British Industries 1933-1934) and Lord Nuffield. Both the Borenius and Ramsay missions took place after the UK […]

Roswell, the CIA and Dr Edgar Mitchell

Lobster Issue 77 (Summer 2019) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Or would have worked, had the Soviet Union been conducting nuclear tests prior to August 1949. But by then, the Mogul project had already ended. 1 the Intelligence Committee of the Joint Chiefs of Staff which I got with another naval officer who had had many similar experience and we told our story and […]

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