MILABS: Military Mind Control and Alien Abduction

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Lobster Issue 39 (Summer 2000) £££

[…] that has been used to cloak research and applications of mind-control activity (emphasis added). Given Scott Jones’ status and his years of access to high level military, intelligence and political circles in the US, this is extremely interesting. But if he knows anything substantial about these mind control experiments, to my knowledge he has […]

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A Friendship of Convenience

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Lobster Issue 35 (Summer 1998) £££

[…] chance meeting between the two comes to the attention of MI5, and Blunt is instructed to befriend Losey and monitor his activities on behalf of the American intelligence services. In doing so, he comes to admire Losey’s principled political views and his refusal to name names, unlike many of his compatriots. As their friendship […]

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Flying Saucers over Los Angeles

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Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££

Flying Saucers over Los Angeles The UFO Craze of the 1950s Dwayne B. Johnson and Kenn Thomas Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, Illinois, USA, 1998, $16.00 Flying Saucers over America Steamshovel Supplement to Flying Saucers Over Los Angeles Steamshovel Press, 1998, $20 Two more productions from the prolific Kenn Thomas. Flying Saucers Over Los Angeles is … Read more

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Lobster Issue 44: Contents

Lobster Issue 44 (Winter 2002/3) £££

[…] This is inevitable. The world changes, priorities change and the people writing for Lobster change. When Lobster began in 1983 its chief focus was information on the intelligence and security services. There was almost no information on them in those days and every scrap seemed important. These days such information is available in abundance […]

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USA & the CIA

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Lobster Issue 39 (Summer 2000) £££

[…] to obscure the details of a picture we knew already: when the interests of an American company were threatened by a modest reforming government, the US military, intelligence and propaganda organisations – the network detailed by Lucas – stepped in, fabricated a ‘Soviet threat’ with a little help from their assets in the media, […]

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The covert origins of the Biafran War

Lobster Issue 25 (1993) £££

[…] white sahibs retaliated by calling the white officials of the South, who were forever building schools and dispensaries, “nigger lovers”. ‘In this topsy turvy world of secret intelligence reports, MI5, pimps, prostitutes, rape and murder, presided over by the Colonial Office and Harold Macmillan, it was not surprising that the Nigerian political leader of […]

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CIA and Drug-Trafficking by Contra Supporters

Lobster Issue 33 (Summer 1997) £££

[…] including an important piece by Robert Parry, ‘Lost History: Contras, Dirty Money and the CIA.’ Another important background piece is Jack Blum’s testimony to the Senate Select Intelligence Committee last year, which is reproduced in Covert Action Quarterly no. 59. However, in my opinion the two best pieces on the CIA-drugs issue which appeared […]

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More JFK Assassination books

Lobster Issue 27 (1994) £££

[…] death in January, I’ve started getting books from Andy Winiarczyk at the Last Hurrah Bookshop. The Last Hurrah specialises in books on JFK and related assassination and intelligence areas and publishes regular catalogs. Write or call Andy at 937 Memorial Avenue, Williamsport, PA 17701, USA: phone (international code) plus 717.327.9338. Probe, the newsletter of […]

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Still hazy after all these years

Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££

[…] hinted that something might turn up from an unexpected quarter. Turner suspects that Farewell America was that something; that although the book was put together by French intelligence people, it was the contact with Kostikov which led to it. The pseudonymous writer of the book was Thomas Buchanan, author of the 1964 Who Killed […]

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Assassination Science: Experts Speak Out On the Death of JFK

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Lobster Issue 35 (Summer 1998) £££

Edited by James H. Fetzer Catfeet Press, Chicago Distributed in the UK by The Eurospan Group, 3 Henrietta St, London WC2E 8LU at £29.50 (hb) £14.95 (pb)   This is a very important contribution to the primary research on the Kennedy assassination. It contains essays which prove (a) that the Zapruder film was substantially edited … Read more

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