Battling Wall Street: the Kennedy Presidency

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Lobster Issue 29 (1995) £££

[…] brief account of changes in economic policy, and, in particular, changes in the USA’s foreign policy, which followed LBJ’s take-over of the reins. The US military and intelligence helped install a bunch of dictators in Latin America, as well as stepping-up the war in S.E. Asia. (And, not mentioned by the author, closed the […]

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Apartheid’s friends

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Lobster Issue 53 (Summer 2007) £££

[…] the parapolitics of the period in this country. But after that we are off into largely new areas, as Sanders takes us through the political, military and intelligence history of South Africa, through the fall of the apartheid regime and up to 2005. There are occasional familiar episodes – the South African involvement in […]

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‘A Most Extraordinary Case’

Lobster Issue 39 (Summer 2000) £££

[…] to your case, and are unable to assist you further.’ Kennedy wrote to the Home Secretary, Jack Straw, three times in June/July 1999. The replies, from the Intelligence and Security Liaison Unit of the Home Office Organised and International Crime Directorate (12 August 1999) and from the Home Secretary’s Advisory Board, Metropolitan Police Committee […]

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America, Israel and the Israel lobby

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Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££

[…] deals with the 2003 invasion of Iraq which, the authors argue, was triggered by intense Israeli lobbying of the US and the provision by Israel of misleading intelligence to back up the view that an invasion and war was urgently required. It is conclusively demonstrated by Mearsheimer and Walt that neither oil companies nor […]

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DEA, Crime and the Press Today

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

[…] York Times. The same papers were either reticent or grossly misleading about activities which Hunt and Liddy performed, without Nixon’s knowledge, on behalf of Intertel, the private intelligence group now controlling the Nevada casinos of the CIA-linked Howard Hughes organisation. Woodward and Bernstein of the Washington Post actually used a Hunt story given them […]

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The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££

[…] in ‘……the armed forces, police or national security services‘- a phrase whose time is a-coming, I think; a little hint of the amalgamation of the security and intelligence services now being talked of. (See Corinne Souza’s piece in Lobster 40.) Things reptilian Despite my best efforts to avoid David Icke’s nonsensical ravings a dollop […]

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The smearing of Colin Wallace

Lobster Issue 14 (1987) £££

[…] and, to my knowledge, Wallace has never alleged this. “In an account he claims to have written in 1976 as evidence of his intimate involvement in the intelligence world, Wallace talks of an MI6 operative he knew. In fact that document reveals an event – the death of a policeman – that actually occurred […]

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The Kincora Scandal

Book review
Lobster Issue 31 (June 1996) £££

[…] lot of (mostly unsourced) information about William McGrath and his strange organisation Tara. At various points Moore asserts that McGrath and Tara were being run by British intelligence – MI5, apparently – though it is never entirely clear, because Moore offers no evidence. I had a chat with Harry Irwin who compiled the Kincora […]

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Deadly Illusions

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Lobster Issue 26 (1993) £££

[…] these are very much the KGB secrets the Russian government and KGB does want us to read. And no wonder. This is a story of how Soviet intelligence ran rings round the Brits. If there are any secrets the British government is trying to keep buried here, I missed them. But I’m probably suffering […]

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Reflections on the ‘cult of the offensive’

Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££

[…] particular, condemned Egyptian claims of US/UK collaboration in the Israeli war effort as, ‘the Big Lie’,(11) much evidence suggests extensive and active cooperation on the logistics and intelligence sides; and encouragement of the Israeli pre-emptive programme. Like Nasser in the North, the UK was also fighting a losing guerrilla war, in South Yemen. As […]

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