Spooks. Hollis. Tomlinson

Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££

[…] called Evald Mikson. Mikson, learned Sanden, had worked with the Germans when they invaded Estonia in 1941, and had interrogated a captured Estonian agent of Soviet military intelligence, the GRU. (One may imagine that in such circumstances – an Estonian working for the Nazis – such an ‘interrogation’ was, as British military-intelligence patois has […]

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Silent Conspiracy: Inside the Intelligence Services in the 1990s

Book cover
Lobster Issue 26 (1993) £££

[…] work Dorril has firmly imposed his grip on a wealth of facts which reaffirm his place as one of Britain’s leading exhumers of the modern ‘security and intelligence community’. Whilst some of the earlier chapters do go over old ground, the later chapters tread into so far uncharted areas. This new ground, it is […]

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Clippings Digest

Lobster Issue 9 (1985) £££

[…] para-military organisation GB 75 (Daily Telegraph 27 February 1985) Large, important piece on the tapping of internal and external communications, much of it in search of “economic intelligence” Article claims: British Telecom can monitor thousands of calls per day overseas calls are sent to GCHQ which runs them through a ‘voice print’ library to […]

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Elvis has left the building: Political Perspectives on the Fall of Polly Peck

Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££

[…] policy. The Bank of England added weight to the position. Cuckney was an ex-MI5 officer. (5) He had also worked at Farnham Castle, a government centre for intelligence briefing, from 1974-84. Before that, he was attached to the Crown Agency and also IMS, the MoD company. He later achieved a more public profile as […]

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In camera injustice

Lobster Issue 52 (Winter 2006/7) £££

[…] produced to show I met him. Stella Rimington, referred to as Mrs C during the trial (she was then MI5 Section Head in charge of studying hostile intelligence agencies), said under oath there was no evidence I had ever met anyone in the KGB. Rimington said Oshchenko arrived in Britain on 29 August 1972 […]

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Did the CIA sink a ship-load of Leyland buses in the Thames

Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££

Veterans of a notorious Miami-based CIA dirty tricks team have boasted that they were helped by British Intelligence officers to sink an East German ship loaded with British-built Leyland buses. Three years after the CIA-sponsored Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, the MV Magdeburg was hit by a Japanese ship in the River Thames. […]

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Lobster Issue 50: Contents

Lobster Issue 50 (Winter 2005/6) £££

[…] this issue, thanks to the usual suspects, especially Jane Affleck; and also to Paul Stott. Among the contributors to this issue Jonathan Bloch is co-author of British Intelligence and Covert Action and Global Intelligence and the World’s Secret Intelligence Services Today. The latter was reviewed in Lobster 47. William Clark is a Public Interest […]

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Iraq and intelligence

Lobster Issue 65 (Summer 2013) FREE

[PDF file]: Iraq and intelligence Robin Ramsay I found this on my computer. It was obviously written around 2004 and, as far as I can see, was never used. M ichael Moore’s film ‘Fahrenheit 9/11’ is great propaganda but, like all propaganda, it isn’t about the truth. In a section mocking the so-called ‘coalition of the […]

Secret History: Writing the Rise of Britain’s Intelligence Services by Simon Ball

Lobster Issue 80 (Winter 2020) FREE

[PDF file]: SECRET HISTORY Writing the Rise of Britain’s Intelligence Services Simon Ball London: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2020. Around £17.00 p/b Robin Ramsay In the last 30 years or so academic writing on intelligence services in this country has gone from being a non-subject to an enormous field, far too big for any one person to […]

Intelligence, Security and the Attlee Governments, 1945-51: An Uneasy Relationship? by Daniel W B Lomas

Lobster Issue 74 (Winter 2017) FREE

[PDF file]: Intelligence, Security and the Attlee Governments, 1945-51: An Uneasy Relationship? Daniel W B Lomas Manchester University Press, 2017, h/b, £75.00 In December 1945, George Orwell wrote in Tribune wondering what happened to Special Branch, MI5 and MI6 when a Labour government was in office. This was when he still thought the Attlee government […]

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