Superstition and farce: the survival of the Inquisition in American political culture

Lobster Issue 58 (Winter 2009/2010) FREE

[PDF file]: […] the Church and Pike Committees had never met. Even Mr Panetta, who is commonly depicted as a new broom at Langley, has been part of the so-called intelligence community for more than thirty years. ‘Witches’ and ‘miracles’ There is a very strong cognitive – I would say religious and dogmatic – construct shared throughout […]

‘We did good work together’: JFK in Ireland, 1963

Lobster Issue 89 (2024) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] by Russian submarines. The function of the on-shore Ireland was represented in the talks by Joseph Walshe (Secretary of External Affairs) and Colonel Lionel Archer (Irish Military Intelligence) and the UK by Lieutenant Colonel Dudley Clarke. 25 See a report setting out Ireland’s assistance to the UK, by Viscount Cranborne, Secretary of State for […]

The construction industry blacklist: how the Economic League lived on

Lobster Issue 58 (Winter 2009/2010) FREE

[PDF file]: […] tatty plastic cover. Inside it were names, addresses and national insurance numbers. Then they found a card index. It very much resembled the way a police local intelligence filing system might work. It was organised alphabetically and each card related to a name in the folder. There were files on 3,213 construction workers. Clancy […]

The End of the Republican Party: Three ‘Never Trump’ Conservatives on the Trump Presidency

Lobster Issue 77 (Summer 2019) FREE

[PDF file]: […] them’. And then there is his relationship with Vladimir Putin, a relationship that is ‘so obsequious that former CIA director John Brennan and former director of National Intelligence James Clapper suggested that Trump might have been compromised by the Kremlin’ (p. 145). As he points out in his discussion of the ‘Collusion’ issue, the […]

Destiny Betrayed: JFK, Cuba, and the Garrison case by James DiEugenio

Lobster Issue 65 (Summer 2013) FREE

[PDF file]: […] that X lied, or that the CIA screwed the inquiry, might not imply involvement in the assassination. Shaw and Ferrie had all manner of connections to US intelligence that they did not want to discuss; and Garrison’s inquiry was heading off into areas the CIA did not want examined: to name the obvious two, […]

Chauncey Holt and the three ‘tramps’ on Dealey Plaza

Lobster Issue 69 (Summer 2015) FREE

[PDF file]: […] of assassins based in Mexico, delicious though the idea is. 18 The single most striking element in his story is his account of being asked by his intelligence handlers (he says DIA but I’m sure it was CIA) to run a safe house in the circus he was working in, on the road – […]

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