Lobster Issue 79 (Summer 2020)
[PDF file]: […] used to be ‘a simple, predictable con. Every four years, the money men in D.C. teamed up with party hacks to throw their weight behind whatever halfbright fraud of a candidate proved most adept at snowing the population into buying a warmed-over version of the same crappy politics they’ve always bought’. And the media […]
Lobster Issue 78 (Winter 2019)
[PDF file]: […] the Trump Casinos, Mar-a-Lago – all these enterprises were followed by a trail of claims and litigation that told a consistent story of borderline and often outright fraud’. (p. 78) He was very much a minor player in what Wolff describes as our ‘oligarch-billionaire world’, in which the super rich – men often richer […]
Lobster Issue 76 (Winter 2018)
[PDF file]: […] and the erosion of civil rights; greater politicisation of the justice system; the hollowing out of the traditional media; and then the Great Financial Crisis, endemic banking fraud and austerity. You couldn’t have designed an environment more amenable to the conspiratorial memes of the far right: the UK’s recent experience could easily be framed […]
Lobster Issue 75 (Summer 2018)
[PDF file]: […] who had been fighting against the Soviet occupiers since 1979. In an earlier article, the same reporters had stated that the covert funding program was riddled with fraud and that only about 30% of the Congressionally approved money was actually reaching the fighters.24 The very opening paragraph of the first chapter of veteran journalist […]