Was the Director of Central Intelligence a Soviet agent?

Book cover
Lobster Issue 51 (Summer 2006) £££

[…] – if not quite made – in A Look Over My Shoulder is that William Colby, while Director of Central Intelligence, was a Soviet agent. Readers of espionage thrillers, whether or not they are now (or have ever been) employees of the Agency, will remember that the nightmare haunting John Le Carré’s George Smiley […]

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Welcome to Lobster

Lobster Issue

Welcome to Lobster, the journal that looks at the impact of the intelligence and security services on history and politics. From espionage to dirty tricks to conspiracy theories. What else is in Lobster? Check out the keywords in the box in the sidebar, right. Lobster issues 58 and onwards are free. Earlier issues of […]


Lobster Issue 22 (1991) £££

[…] lists of the period. Margaret Bradfield: MI6 Chief of Stockholm 1989 (Intelligence Newsletter 6 December 1989). John Quine: MI6 40s and 50s ended as Head of Counter- Espionage Department (Sunday Telegraph 16 September 1990). Ian Crichley: MI6 40s and 50s, ended as Deputy Head of Personnel Department (Sunday Telegraph 16/9/90). Murray Micklejohn: MI6 involved […]

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The influence of intelligence services on the British left

Lobster Issue

[…] we can skim across them even more quickly. MI5, encouraged by a section of the CIA, began ploughing through the PLP and Wilson’s entourage looking for Soviet espionage. And found none, incidentally. On Gaitskell’s death the leadership of the American tendency passed to Roy Jenkins and its focus shifted to the Common Market. Members […]

Brian Crozier, the Pinay Circle and James Goldsmith

Lobster Issue 17 (1988) £££

[…] State Secretary, Baron Guttenberg, personally gave me the task of keeping the dubious Mr Violet – whose cover name was Little Violet – under observation for counter espionage purposes. Nothing came of this for reasons that I don’t need to go into here … ‘One recent development is the establishment within the Circle of […]

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The Pentagon’s Psychic Research

Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££

[…] to those operations. The CIA scientist monitoring the test, a physiologist from the research and development side of the agency believed he had a potential class ‘A’ espionage agent who could roam psychically anywhere in the world, ferreting out secrets undetected.(31) The CIA’s contract study on the Soviet efforts, ‘Novel Bio-physical Information Transfer Mechanism’ […]

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Cloak and Dollar, and, Know Your Enemy

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Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££

[…] John Stockwell. He has written a history of the CIA ignoring all the Agency’s main defectors and whistle-blowers. Yet in his previous book on this subject, American Espionage: from Secret Service to CIA (London: Collier, Macmillan, 1977) his bibliography contains both Marchetti and Agee and he cites both of them. But that was 1977 […]

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Death of the Strong Man

Lobster Issue 17 (1988) £££

[…] attending the WACL 11th annual conference in Luxembourg in 1986, during which General Singlaub announced that the WACL representative in India, Rama Swarup, had been arrested on espionage charges. (6) It was later established that Swarup had passed 48,000 rupees from American sources to one of the defence attorneys in the Indira Gandhi assassination […]

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Kitson revisited

Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££

[…] 119. 16 For a further discussion see my British Counter-insurgency, op cit. 17 Roger Faligot, British Military Strategy in Ireland: The Kitson Experiment, London 1983. 18 Frank Kitson, Warfare As A Whole, London 1987, pp. 55-57. 19 Bernard Porter, Plots and Paranoia: A History of political espionage in Britain in 1790-1988, London 1989, p. 205.

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Stalin’s granny

Book review
Lobster Issue 56 (Winter 2008/9) £££

[…] study of the pro-Soviet exile left in Britain and the formation of the Communist Party of Great Britain, and partly another go round the story of Soviet espionage in Britain, in which story Norwood is a minor element. Depending on what you have read, CPGB member Norwood was a delightful old lefty, or a […]

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