Brief Notes on the Political Importance of Secret Societies (Part 2)

Lobster Issue 6 (1984) £££

[…] and by 1955 had reached the rank of colonel and deputy chief of Glowny Zarzad Informacji, the Polish intelligence agency. His responsibilities included counterintelligence and foreign technical espionage. In April 1958 he contacted the Americans and began passing top secret information to the West. At Christmas, 1960, fearing that his cover was blown, he […]

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…MI5 goes on forever

Lobster Issue 26 (1993) £££

[…] son, eh? (Are journalists in the British Higher Media cynical? Yes, but usually about the wrong things.) Nice one, John 2 The precise roles played by the espionage novelist, John Le Carre, in the real spook world have been a source of much speculation. In a U.S. TV interview on July 1 this year, […]

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Web update

Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

[…] historical interest (Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis, NSA Venona Prog, Satellite images, CIA reports and briefings); Declassified records (CIA, DIA, State dept, Nat Archives etc); Historical Espionage (eg Venona prog) and SIGINT (eg Bletchley, Enigma); Other historical docs (MI5 and SOE); Ames Affair; debates and controversy (eg CIA as economic spy, budget of […]

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Our Searchlight problem

Lobster Issue 24 (December 1992) £££

[…] Cuba was active in spreading their own brand of revolution. It is suggested that parallel to the conference, an extensive course of training in Guerilla warfare and Espionage took place. If the latter is true, then certainly Cuba’s own Secret Service would have been aided by the KGB on the espionage side of the […]

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The view from the bridge. JFK. Waco. Oklahoma. Timor. Moral Rearmament Movement

Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

[…] these events, in his memoir Secrecy and Democracy (Sidgwick and Jackson, 1986). On pp.193-205 Turner says the following. The CIA cuts were in what he calls ‘the espionage branch’, otherwise known as the Directorate of Operations. Number of people actually fired was 17 147 were ‘forced to retire early’. ‘In short, the espionage branch’s […]

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The Global Drug Meta-Group: Drugs, Managed Violence, and the Russian 9/11

Lobster Issue free article

[…] board of ’94 – visiting scholar at Centre for Defence Studies at King’s College London (together with Anton Surikov and Igor Sutyagin, now in prison for espionage). Alfonso Davidovich Ochoa (b. 1948), Venezuelan, resides in Munich, Germany. Has German and Venezuelan citizenship. In the 1970s went through special training in the USSR and […]

Was the Director of Central Intelligence a Soviet agent?

Book cover
Lobster Issue 51 (Summer 2006) £££

[…] – if not quite made – in A Look Over My Shoulder is that William Colby, while Director of Central Intelligence, was a Soviet agent. Readers of espionage thrillers, whether or not they are now (or have ever been) employees of the Agency, will remember that the nightmare haunting John Le Carré’s George Smiley […]

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Lobster Issue 22 (1991) £££

[…] lists of the period. Margaret Bradfield: MI6 Chief of Stockholm 1989 (Intelligence Newsletter 6 December 1989). John Quine: MI6 40s and 50s ended as Head of Counter- Espionage Department (Sunday Telegraph 16 September 1990). Ian Crichley: MI6 40s and 50s, ended as Deputy Head of Personnel Department (Sunday Telegraph 16/9/90). Murray Micklejohn: MI6 involved […]

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Spook PR

Lobster Issue 44 (Winter 2002/3) £££

[…] minority Sunni elite. Its majority Shia population is not a ‘secular’ one. Corinne Souza’s memoir on Iraq and her father’s SIS service, The Spy’s Daughter: Tales of Espionage from Baghdad to London will be published by Mainstream in March 2003, price £15.99. Notes 1. Even school-children in cafes throughout the Middle East knew that […]

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Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££

[…] culture, traditions, geography, language and history to the political needs of their respective governments.(16) American anthropologist Jack Sargent Harris was also a clandestine operative engaged in counter- espionage for the OSS in West Africa and in South Africa during World War Two. Declining an offer from the CIA, he also worked for the United […]

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