Lobster Issue Clandestine Caucus (1996)
[PDF file]: […] associations and trade unions, expressing concern at the number of communists and communist sympathisers holding positions in the unions;121 and his administration was being afflicted by the espionage scandals of George Blake and Vassell – and the Profumo Affair which Macmillan apparently believed was part of a See or . The documents can be […]
Lobster Issue 74 (Winter 2017)
[PDF file]: […] FBI saying they looked into this case because of “a potential violation of federal law under our jurisdiction that we did investigate”, the Bureau neither investigated the espionage angle they opened the file for, nor any of the potential violations of federal law involved in forging government documents.’12 This is self-evidently significant. A major […]
Lobster Issue 73 (Summer 2017)
[PDF file]: […] 106 Jim Hougan, Secret Agenda, pp. 85-95; Anderson and Gibson, Peace, War, and Politics, pp. 233-241. 107 Feldstein, Poisoning the Press, p. 280. 108 James McCord, ‘Counter- Espionage Agent for the Republicans: The True Story of the Watergate Case’, in House Armed Services, Special Subcommittee on Intelligence, Inquiry into the Alleged Involvement of the […]
Lobster Issue 73 (Summer 2017)
[PDF file]: […] Deputy Supreme Allied Commander of NATO forces in Europe, General Sir Jeremy MacKenzie, plus a former Special Branch member whose police career included ‘responsibilities in counter-terrorism, counter- espionage, counter-subversion and counter-proliferation’.5 3 Attempts at industry regulation In 2001, then Prime Minister Tony Blair’s government 51 See Chris Slater, ‘Danny Fitzsimons: Iraq security guard “claimed […]
Lobster Issue 81 (Summer 2021)
[PDF file]: […] defence establishments throughout the country – Latimer House at Amersham, for example. The lectures were on a variety of subjects, including European history, ‘post-war’ economics, subversion, policing, espionage and counterespionage. These are the names of the lecturers Sanderson recalled when writing the first version of this in prison. (The italicised comments in brackets are […]