Lobster Issue 82 (Winter 2021)
[PDF file]: […] Middle East. He noted in July 2016: ‘In any other country the conduct of Eric Pickles and Stuart Polak would in my view be seen as entrenched espionage that should prompt an inquiry into their conduct.’ Then in the 2017 Al Jazeera film series 9 Israeli ‘diplomat’ Shai Masot is shown seeking to organise […]
Lobster Issue 69 (Summer 2015)
[PDF file]: […] Office, Hugo Swire, has stated that he would ‘actively welcome’ and ‘do everything to facilitate’ that. Apparently it’s still up to Ny. (Yes, her alone.) She’s said to be thinking about it. Bernard Porter is a retired Professor of History and author of Plots and Paranoia A History of Political Espionage in Britain 1790-1988 (1989).
Lobster Issue 82 (Winter 2021)
[PDF file]: […] file on her late father and tries to show that Joseph Frolik and other Czech spooks in London were simply exaggerating – or inventing – agents and espionage activities to claim expenses they hadn’t incurred. In her reading of the documents, the StB officers in London ate their way round the fine dining rooms […]
Lobster Issue 58 (Winter 2009/2010)
[PDF file]: […] really review them. However, there are some things I can say about them. I’m not quite sure why but I have never taken Gordon Thomas’s books on espionage and parapolitics seriously. Partly, it is just that he writes a lot, and I don’t trust people who are prolific in these fields because this material […]
Lobster Issue 65 (Summer 2013)
[PDF file]: […] of the British state’s attempts to enforce its ‘everything official is secret’ legislation – run through the House of Commons before WW1 during a panic about German espionage – and its subsequent modifications. Before WW2, in practice the state was willing to clobber little people – e.g. the novelist Compton MacKenzie who revealed a […]
Lobster Issue 81 (Summer 2021)
[PDF file]: […] some of the gossip about these – and some of it may have been deliberate attempts at setting hares running, as would always be the case in espionage – wasn’t conflated later with a supposed detailed foreknowledge of Hess’s flight. It could, for instance, have been the case that the message about Hess trying […]