Willy Brandt: the “Good German”

Lobster Issue 22 (1991) £££

[…] R. and Crowley, R. T. — The New KGB: The Engine of Soviet Power, (London, Harvester Press, 1986) Dobson, Christopher and Payne, Ronald — The Dictionary of Espionage, (London, Grafton, 1986) Hersh, Seymour — The Price of Power: Kissinger in the White House, (Washington, Summit, 1983) Hohne, Heniz and Zolling, Hermann, — The General […]

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Justice Delayed

Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££

[…] MKULTRA has faded, this important case of Justice Delayed ought to be followed very closely, for it will remind all Americans of the contempt in which its espionage establishment holds the average citizen. It should never be forgotten that it was the CIA that sprinkled LSD throughout society in the 1950s, or that the […]

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JFK: Oswald? Which one?

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Lobster Issue 47 (Summer 2004) £££

[…] infers it from the evidence of the two ‘Oswalds’. If this is true, Armstrong has uncovered the most elaborate intelligence operation (and done the greatest piece of espionage detective work) I have ever read about.(2) Into the CIA’s anti-Castro underground In Armstrong’s hypothesis, after Russian-speaking ‘Harvey’ defected, adopting Lee’s identity, Lee Oswald remained in […]

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Lobster Issue 35 (Summer 1998) £££

[…] activity in Britain has enjoyed a steady growth throughout the past two decades. The principal motivation for this rush of development is the US interest in commercial espionage. In the Fifties, during the development of the ‘special relationship’ between America and Britain, one US institution was singled out for special attention. The NSA, the […]

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I Couldn’t Paint Golden Angels

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Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] are little bits of new information or perspectives, for example, on Will Owen, the Labour MP who was ripping-off the Czechs and got done (but acquitted) for espionage; the attempting framing of Peter Hain; agent provocateurs in the labour movement; the ‘Angry Brigade’; Searchlight magazine, and the role of state agents here, there and […]

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UK Eyes Alpha: the Inside Story of British Intelligence

Book cover
Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] tightening (pretty generous) belts. Let’s hope the IRA, the animal rights movement, Green Anarchist and the anti-roads campaigners are suitably flattered to be the equivalent of the espionage services of a super-power! For all the welcome candour of some of his interviewees, there are still corns that Urban won’t tread on. The whole ‘Wilson […]

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The CIA and radiation experiments on humans

Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] run by the Technical Services Staff (TSS), which is also known as Technical Services Division (TSD). The main purpose of these programs was their potential use in espionage and covert operations. In 1973, tipped-off about forthcoming investigations, Richard Helms, then Director of Central Intelligence, ordered the destruction of any MKULTRA records. In 1976, in […]

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PR, Iraq and ‘the allies’

Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££

[…] vehicle in selling/branding America/Britain to aspirational and/or new elites. New York shopping-tourism (a barometer of new elites, including cigar-smoking wealthy men/their mistresses, always useful background information for espionage) could also suffer. 2 With all its WTO business, Geneva is enjoying a renaissance and the spooks presumably are again running around all over the place. […]

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Lying about Iraq

Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££

[…] at < http://www.zmag.org/ZMag/articles/hermanmay 98.htm > . 49 This was ‘blow back’ on a grand scale. 50 See James Der Derian, ‘Anti-Diplomacy, Intelligence Theory and Surveillance Practice’ in Espionage Past, Present, Future? edited by Wesley K. Wark (London: Frank Cass, 1994) pp. 37-8. Der Derian is a post-modernist trying to apply his theories to this […]

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In a Common Cause: the Anti-Communist Crusade in Britain 1945-60

Lobster Issue 19 (1990) £££

[…] dollars into the exile groups. Frank Wisner, the director of the CIA’s Clandestine Operations Directorate and architect of the agency’s covert funding policy, ‘believed in the tremendous espionage potential of its Eastern European emigre organisations, their value as propagandists and agents of influence.’ (42) The CIA sponsored a front called the National Committee for […]

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