The Kennedys: An American Drama

Lobster Issue 10 (1986) £££

Publications The Kennedys: An American Drama Peter Collier and David Horowitz (Pan Books, London 1985) JFK:The Presidency of John F. Kennedy Herbert S. Parmet (Penguin Books, London 1984) Kennedy assassination buffs – and I confess to being one in a very small way – can’t resist books about the Kennedys even when they suspect there … Read more

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Miscarriage of justice, the police complaints system and whistle blower protection for police officers

Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

[…] included speakers involved with high profile campaigns. Kevin McMahon, of Merseyside Against Injustice, joined the Merseyside Police in 1979 and subsequently worked as a detective, working on drugs, vice and murder, and as a Special Branch officer. He had formally been a special investigator in the Royal Military Police. He described how, as a […]

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The Bilderberg Group and the project of European unification

Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] 1992 NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) for example, is in fact profoundly ‘protectionist’ in relation to such matters as intellectual property rights (software, patents for seeds, drugs etc.) with elaborate ‘rules of origin’ designed to keep out foreign competitors etc. See Dawkins 1993. If the Marshall Plan had military objectives (containment of Soviet […]

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Kitson, Kincora and counter-insurgency in Northern Ireland

Lobster Issue 10 (1986) £££

Part 1 Issue 24 of the Covert Action Information Bulletin (Summer 1985) is chiefly devoted to recent activities of U.S. government agents and agents provocateurs inside radical and labour organisations: the ‘sanctuary movement’, the Native American movement and one industrial dispute, are analysed as case studies. They are preceded by a long essay, “The New … Read more

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Electronic Privacy and the Encryption Debate

Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££

Electronic Privacy and the Encryption Debate Attempts by intelligence and law enforcement to control new technologies Intelligence/law enforcement concerns Intelligence and law enforcement agencies world-wide have in recent years become concerned that more widespread use of advanced technologies, such as encryption, digital technologies and the Internet, will compromise their ability to fight crime and terrorism. … Read more

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Conservative Radicalism: A Sociology of Conservative Party Youth Structures and Libertarianism 1970-1992

Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££

[…] branches (pp.26/7, 92-4). There was resistance from other factions and from Conservative central office which really didn’t want to have its youth wing advocating the legalisation of drugs, for example, and risking the creation of a ‘loony right’ to balance the ‘loony left’ of the Labour Party which the central office and its supportive […]

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Secret Contenders

Lobster Issue 8 (1985) £££

[…] did the same with Russian students. The intelligence value was nil. In the early sixties the CIA placed a lot of hopes on ‘mind control’, experimenting with drugs, hypnosis and programming a la ‘Manchurian Candidate’. The most bizarre episode in Beck’s book concerns an attempt by a CIA shrink to hypnotise a suspected double […]

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Defrauding America: a pattern of related scandals

Book cover
Lobster Issue 31 (June 1996) £££

Rodney Stich Diablo Western Press, USA, 1994 The first thing to be said is that this is a huge (650 pages), fascinating book; and I recommend it. It is really three stories interwoven. The first section describes the author’s experience of trying to alert the American civil aviation industry, then the politicians and then the … Read more

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The View from the Bridge: Jack Ruby. Jeff Bale. Andrew Neil. Tom Spencer MEP

Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££

[…] ‘He’s rattling the Americans’ cage,’ he said. A month later – it’s goodbye Tom Spencer MEP when the Customs just happened to search his bag and find drugs and porno in it. See ‘Named but not shamed’ by John Sweeney, The Observer Review 14 February, the only report of Spencer’s demise which even hints […]

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The CIA and the Culture of Failure

Book cover
Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££

John Diamond Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 2008, h/b. No price is stated but it’s around $30 on-line. In The Guardian on 4 March 2009 William Dalrymple wrote: ‘Eight years of neocon foreign policies have been a spectacular disaster for American interests in the Islamic world, leading to the advance of Hamas and Hezboll-ah, the … Read more

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