Lobster Issue 80 (Winter 2020)
[PDF file]: Time for the pavilion (or: there are only 365 Conservative MPs) Simon Matthews Since late summer 2020, it has looked as if the impact of an incompetently managed mass pandemic and a ludicrously self-inflicted ‘hard’ Brexit (think here up to 85,000 dead, shortages of food and medicine, the Police losing control of the streets, a […]
Lobster Issue 79 (Summer 2020)
[PDF file]: […] William Hague and Michael Howard, both Eurosceptics; but the Party remained divided on the subject and lost votes to UKIP, especially in European and local elections. David Cameron took over the Party in 2005 determined to stop it ‘banging on about Europe’; but ongoing turmoil finally led him to call the 2016 referendum on […]
Lobster Issue 78 (Winter 2019)
[PDF file]: […] threat to national security requiring a response from the British government.1 The oil trade is seen not only as a condition of western This is from the Cameron government’s 2010 document on UK National Security Strategy. On p. 63 of his book Wearing provides further details: ‘Tier one’ risks ‘include direct terrorist attacks on […]
Lobster Issue 76 (Winter 2018)
[PDF file]: The David Kelly mystery John Booth An Inconvenient Death: How the Establishment Covered Up the David Kelly Affair Miles Goslett London, Head of Zeus, 2018, £16.99 ISBN-13: 978-1788543095 Did you know that the body of Iraq weapons inspector Dr David Kelly, who died mysteriously in 2003 after being named by 10 Downing Street for criticising […]
Lobster Issue 85 (Summer 2023)
[PDF file]: […] 2) pp. 13-14 and 16, and pp. 375-77. 6 Nairn, The Enchanted Glass (see note 6) p. 240. 7 5 Three Prime Ministers since 2010 – David Cameron, Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak – have been educated, respectively, at Eton, Eton and Winchester. All are graduates of Oxford University. None has any connection with […]
Lobster Issue 75 (Summer 2018)
[PDF file]: […] in the arts. And in foreign policy, Iraq. By 2010 the turn-out gap between the under 35s and the over 55s had widened to 20% producing David Cameron and Brexit (in the 2016 EU Referendum the gap was 17%). It follows that – since, say, 1990 at the latest – had UK politics been […]
Lobster Issue 85 (Summer 2023)
[PDF file]: […] so-called Nudge theory, the idea that people can be nudged to make the right choice without coercing them or restricting their freedom of choice.9 Prime Minister David Cameron and President Obama were intrigued by the idea that governments could achieve their goals without having to argue or legislate. (Or regulate). Cameron See, for example, […]