South of the border

Lobster Issue 80 (Winter 2020) FREE

[PDF file]: […] book The Man from Moscow, Wynne is more candid almost right from the start. On the sixth page of the first chapter he admits: ‘I was an agent and my training had been thorough and explicit.’22 Another instance of Christopher Andrew being somewhat economical with the actualité comes when he discusses MI5’s interrogation of […]

The Black Door: Spies, Secret Intelligence and British Prime Ministers by Richard Aldrich and Rory Cormac

Lobster Issue 72 (Winter 2016) FREE

[PDF file]: […] One of the leading figures in the GMWU, Sir Harry Crane, ‘was deeply involved in this’ and regularly passed information from MI5 onto the Labour Party’s national agent and witch-hunter in chief, Sarah Barker. This relationship ‘between right-wingers in the Labour Party and MI5 was held close, and nothing was written down’. Wilson was […]

View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] cynicism, but can never free themselves from Communist ideology”. The review was written by Rita Hinden, who was carefully selected for the task. Michael Josselson, the CIA agent who had set up the Congress for Cultural Freedom, had told Irving Kristol, the coeditor of Encounter, that he should run a review “by one of […]

lob86View from Bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] Russianfriendly accounts and Trumpkins has been going on for some time.” If that was true, it meant that anyone expressing support for Donald Trump might be an agent of the Russian government, whether or not the person intended to play that role. It meant that the people they called “Trumpkins,” who made up half […]

LBJ: doubles and disinformation

Lobster Issue 67 (Summer 2014) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Mr. Kennedy’s. My mind simply couldn’t absorb it all and Louise was struck dumb, her eyes wide open in amazement. Lish introduced the double as a fellow agent and apologized for not preparing us for this shocking experience. We all sat down at the kitchen table. Later I would learn that many American Presidents […]

lob86View from Bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] Russianfriendly accounts and Trumpkins has been going on for some time.” If that was true, it meant that anyone expressing support for Donald Trump might be an agent of the Russian government, whether or not the person intended to play that role. It meant that the people they called “Trumpkins,” who made up half […]

On getting it wrong and getting it right: Ronald Stark, LSD and the CIA

Lobster Issue 78 (Winter 2019) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Ronald Stark was in some way involved. According to the Moro Commission Report of early 1984: ‘The US authorities have never admitted that Stark was an American agent, and moreover affirmed that they were seeking his arrest. However, no request for his extradition was ever made, while his cordial relations with other American officials […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 66 (Winter 2013) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] brother (and Attorney General) expelled her (illegally) from the US. Because Rometsch had originally come from East Germany, the FBI suspected she might be a Soviet bloc agent. No evidence of this has every appeared. Rometsch has not been seen or heard of since. My guess would be that the Kennedys paid her to […]

A key for a Clockwork Orange

Lobster Issue 72 (Winter 2016) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Forsyth, Roald Dahl or (more obviously) the pseudonymous John Le Carré. It might be simply coincidence that Burgess’s publisher (Heinemann) was also Graham Greene’s, and that Burgess’s agent, Peter Janson-Smith, was also Ian Fleming’s. Burgess in Leningrad T he aspects of Burgess’s Leningrad visit that are of interest here can be related briefly, since […]

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