The Secret War: Spies, Codes and Guerrillas, 1939-45 by Max Hastings

Lobster Issue 74 (Winter 2017) FREE

[PDF file]: […] confusing. The English are not the only people who produce eccentrics, and Hastings’s narrative features dozens; best among them probably the British double – or triple – agent Ronald Seth, aptly codenamed ‘Blunderhead’, who gets a chapter to himself. Apart from a liar and a fantasist he was – or portrayed himself as – […]

Gonzalo Lira and the kill chain

Lobster Issue 89 (2024) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] the target access – access, in this instance, meaning access to an audience. The thrust of all the attacks was to paint Lira as a Russian intelligence agent and discredit his work as enemy propaganda. No substantive evidence whatsoever that Lira was any kind of Russian state operative was offered during his lifetime, and […]

Inside the AARB, Volume IV Douglas by P. Horne

Lobster Issue 59 (Summer 2010) FREE

[PDF file]: […] perhaps some other original film created and altered while the ‘other’ Zapruder footage was being moved around Dallas. Or, it also occurred to me, that a CIA agent posing as a Secret Service agent acting as a delivery boy might not have known or cared about the difference between ‘developed’ and ‘printed’. After examining […]

The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] acquired – impounded might be appropriate – by MI5.2 In this period MI5 contained a faction which believed that Harold Wilson was, or might be, a Soviet agent, and that the Labour Party was influenced, if not controlled by, the KGB. This faction had allies within the Army, among former intelligence officers, the police […]

View from Bridge copy

Lobster Issue

[…] do you suppose she found so shattering in a summary of its contents? Dallas again Dallas again In September 2023 a memoir by former US Secret Service agent Paul Landis was published in which he said he found the Kennedy assassination’s so-called ‘magic bullet’ on the top of the back seat of the presidential […]

part 1 best copy

Lobster Issue

[…] the target access – access, in this instance, meaning access to an audience. The thrust of all the attacks was to paint Lira as a Russian intelligence agent and discredit his work as enemy propaganda. No substantive evidence whatsoever that Lira was any kind of Russian state operative was offered during his lifetime, and […]

GArrick part one best copy

Lobster Issue

[…] the target access – access, in this instance, meaning access to an audience. The thrust of all the attacks was to paint Lira as a Russian intelligence agent and discredit his work as enemy propaganda. No substantive evidence whatsoever that Lira was any kind of Russian state operative was offered during his lifetime, and […]

The Dr Strangeloves of the Mind

Lobster Issue 59 (Summer 2010) FREE

[PDF file]: […] thought to have been involved in a number of OSS operations in Nazi-occupied Europe. Sometime after the war he hooked up with George Hunter White, a buccaneering agent of the Federal Narcotics Bureau, who would provide plenty of work for him. (White had free access to LSD in the early 1950s and was dosing […]

Garrick part one trial

Lobster Issue

[…] the target access – access, in this instance, meaning access to an audience. The thrust of all the attacks was to paint Lira as a Russian intelligence agent and discredit his work as enemy propaganda. No substantive evidence whatsoever that Lira was any kind of Russian state operative was offered during his lifetime, and […]

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