Letter from America

Lobster Issue 28 (December 1994) £££

[…] functioned as an army intelligence officer during Vietnam, turning to civilian spookery in the late 70s. In 1982 he met Oliver North, who posed as a CIA agent named John Cathey. North coveted Reed’s Piper turboprop airplane for use in the contra war. Reed was asked to give up the plane, report it as […]

Drugging America: a Trojan Horse

Book cover
Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

[…] in US history to be charged with a particular minor technical offence connected to ‘consensual searches’ and is sentenced to three years in prison; the FBI Special Agent in Charge of the New York office, who comes to the defence of this INS official, is suspended two months before he was due to retire. […]

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Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££

Assassination or ‘targeted killings’? Joshua Raines of the University of Iowa College of Law argues that although assassination, ‘narrowly defined’ [sic], is illegal, ‘targeted killings’ could well be permissible under ‘just war’ criteria. The US should therefore pass legislation that allows for ‘…targeted killings under a very narrow range of circumstances with adequate checks built … Read more

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Miscellaneous: Cold war. Disinformation. Elite. Unclassified. G.K. Young, Unison

Lobster Issue 24 (December 1992) £££

Feedback Mark Taha (see Lobster 21, p. 25) wrote. ‘As someone who never joined any of the groups Larry O’Hara deals with [Lobster 23] but has attended their meetings, reads their publications, once nearly joined, and describes himself as a Libertarian Conservative Nationalist, (sic!) I read his article with interested. I noticed a few errors. … Read more

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The Cyprus Conspiracy: America, Espionage and the Turkish Invasion

Book cover
Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

[…] do know something, there are some dumb mistakes. The Fluency Committee was not set up in Whitehall to examine the evidence that Harold Wilson was a Soviet agent (p.148); Colin Wallace has not ‘admitted putting out anti-Wilson material in an operation known as Clockwork Orange’ (p.149). Do such minor errors matter? I doubt it […]

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Ronald Gray (1920-2008)

Lobster Issue 56 (Winter 2008/9) £££

Ronald Gray, founder and owner of The Hammersmith Bookshop (1948-1963) and Hammersmith Books (1963-2000) died on 30 May at the age of 87. He was a most remarkable person, with a passionate interest in everything relating to politics and to recent history. He developed the vast stock of out-of-print books in Hammersmith Books to reflect … Read more

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Christic’s version of Dealey Plaza

Lobster Issue 15 (1988) £££

[…] to be established two secret military training bases for their “Contra” forces, one south of Miami, Florida, and one in Guatemala. CIA Director Allen Dulles assigned CIA Agent and former Marine Corps officer Carl Jenkins to supervise the training of these “Contra” forces in guerilla warfare tactics in Florida and Guatemala. The objective of […]

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Remote Viewing and the US intelligence community

Lobster Issue 31 (June 1996) £££

[…] to targets by independent judges).'(37) Coordinate Remote Viewing ASPR experiments, using a ‘beacon’, were not of much use for any espionage remote viewing programme: they required an agent to be placed in the target area, which was not feasible. And providing the name of the distant target would have resulted in too much cueing […]

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Western Goals: LA Police Settle For $1.8 million

Lobster Issue 4 (1984) £££

[…] LAPD had set up the Public Disorder and Intelligence Division and the Criminal Conspiracy Section (PDID and CCS) in the 1960s. In 1971 one of the CCS agent provocateurs, Louis Tackwood (a black), began exposing their activities. Tackwood later wrote a book, a fairly extraordinary book called The Glasshouse Tapes (Avon NY 1973) describing […]

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Sources: Journals

Lobster Issue 27 (1994) £££

Official openings We don’t have a Freedom of Information Act, and are not likely to get one from any of the British political parties. Imagine a conversation in the office of the new Labour Prime Minister in a year or three: ‘FOI? Too much trouble, too much aggro with Whitehall. As if we need any … Read more

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