
Lobster Issue 50 (Winter 2005/6) £££

[…] Rochemont as a conduit.() Having provided the money, the CIA also had ‘psy warrior’ Joseph Bryan () participate in early script conferences and monitor the filming. Another agent, Carleton Alsop, was on hand to view the film as it neared completion. Little wonder that the film’s ending differed from that of the book. ( […]

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Did Churchill reveal the pending Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor to Roosevelt two weeks before it happened?

Lobster Issue 35 (Summer 1998) £££

Did Churchill reveal the pending Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor to Roosevelt two weeks before it happened? Below is what purports to a transcript of a telephone conversation recorded by the Germans during World War 2. If genuine, it shows, as has been alleged in the past, that Roosevelt was indeed warned of the impending … Read more

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In Brief. Libya. Syria and the Gulf oil war. Lester Coleman

Lobster Issue 28 (December 1994) £££

[…] is the explanation for this unbelievable piece of political camouflage? The only credible answer to date is supplied by Lester Coleman, who claims to have been an agent of the CIA and the lesser known Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) for eight years. In his Trail of the Octoptus: Front Beirut to Lockerbie -Inside the […]

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Two Sides of Ireland (Book reviews)

Lobster Issue 13 (1987) £££

[…] ammunition to the border on 2nd April 1970. These preparations for military defence of the Catholic population did not go unnoticed by the British: indeed, a British agent calling himself Captain Peter Markham-Randall was exposed in November 1969 when he came to Dublin to uncover the extent to which Eire was prepared to go […]

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Loose cuts and short ends

Lobster Issue 31 (June 1996) £££

[…] It is improbable that MI5 (presumably) would have chosen someone like Wright for the job, presumably, of penetrating the KAU. And if this ‘Peter Wright’ was an agent for MI5, say, why would the Kenyan authorities have expelled him? ‘Wright’, surely, on being harassed, would simply have said, ‘Call the office.’ It might be […]

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Mind Control and the American Government

Lobster Issue 23 (1992) £££

[…] affected by electromagnetic means. Does RHIC-EDOM exist? The term first appeared in a strange 1969 book, Were We Controlled? written by one Lincoln Lawrence, a former FBI agent turned journalist. (36) A careful comparison of Lawrence’s work with the MKULTRA files declassified ten years later indicates a strong possibility that the writer did indeed […]

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Oscar Wilde’s Last Stand: Decadence, Conspiracy and the First World War

Book cover
Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

[…] and his supporters. A friend of the Asquiths (Maud Allen) was appearing, as a dancer, in a production of Wilde’s Salome. Pemberton-Billing said she was a German agent corrupting British morals and sapping the nation’s ability to see the war through to a grim conclusion. Allen was an easy target, she had once modelled […]

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The View From MI5

Lobster Issue 13 (1987) £££

[…] who are MPs) by removing the embargo on CP membership for members of the Labour Party.” Wilson had as a “close confidant” Wilf Owens MP, a Czech agent. Wilson “shielded John Stonehouse” Wilson ignored MI5 advice on what to do about Soviet agents in Britain. Another recurring theme is the alleged link between Labour […]

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Military LSD testing in the U.K.

Lobster Issue 26 (1993) £££

[…] them. As part of that programme, evaluation is carried out of the potential hazard from chemicals that may be utilised by an aggressor as a chemical warfare agent. An appreciation of the effects of LSD on man and the knowledge that LSD could be synthesised led to research in the 1960s into whether LSD […]

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Fifth Column. New directions for parapolitics: investigating the trans-national security elite

Lobster Issue 50 (Winter 2005/6) £££

[…] than increased surveillance and trans-national co-operation once the pass has already been sold on free movement of peoples, goods, services and pathogens. The security forces’ role as agent of state formation and of socio-political control needs to be taken much more seriously in this context – the terrorism that fuels acceptance of surveillance and […]

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