Recent JFK (and related) literature

Lobster Issue 31 (June 1996) £££

[…] value of chronology in spades. I haven’t seen Sproesser’s other volumes (1963, including minute-by-minute logs of 22, 23 and 24 November, the Warren Commission, MLK and RFK, Watergate, etc), but if they are anything like this they are must-haves. For further details write Louis Sproesser at 1415 Woodgate Circle, Enfield, CT 06082, USA. TURNER, […]

Was the Director of Central Intelligence a Soviet agent?

Book cover
Lobster Issue 51 (Summer 2006) £££

[…] spies; trying to fire Angleton, as might have been expected, but unexpectedly failing when Angleton secured the support of Schlesinger himself. In early May 1973, after the Watergate resignations of Haldeman, Ehrlichman and Dean, Colby was told that Nixon wanted him to be the next DCI. And it was at just this time that […]

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Kitson, Kincora and counter-insurgency in Northern Ireland

Lobster Issue 10 (1986) £££

[…] scandal took place. These articles are, literally, just the tip of an iceberg of colossal dimensions. When – if – all this comes out it will make Watergate look relatively insignificant. However, for the moment all we can offer is these two pieces, and it is appropriate that it is the Ramsay half of […]

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Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££

[…] attempt to fit UK events into the framework provided by Gemstone. On the first page we get Miller, Judah Binstock, Lansky, Luciano, Nixon, Onassis, Danite Mormons (?), Watergate, Hughes, Kennedy, CIA JFK, the Warren Commission……It’s a farrago in which one or two suggestive facts are buried under a torrent of nonsensical assertions. For Gemstone […]

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Conspiracy theories are go!

Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££

Will the Illuminati arrive in black helicopters or Nazi-designed UFO’s? We are currently awash in dotty conspiracy theories. This is an interesting phenomenon even if the content of most of them is almost totally unreliable – at best. Some of this is the spin-off from the Oklahoma bombing and the media’s discovery of the militias. […]

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The fiction of the state: The Paris Review and the invisible world of American letters

Lobster Issue 50 (Winter 2005/6) £££

[…] creation of a ‘totalitarian bureaucracy’. Buckley had been recruited to the CIA out of Yale. His case officer at the Agency was E. Howard Hunt, novelist and Watergate conspirator. Buckley co-founded The National Review with former Trotskyite, James Burnham, who also worked for the CIA. Buckley got his wish for a bureaucratic dictatorship when […]

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Kennedy Miscellany

Lobster Issue 29 (1995) £££

[…] can decide? Lane gets the same treatment for – you can guess – going into court to defend US magazine The Spotlight, when it was sued by Watergate burglar Howard Hunt. (Lane’s book about this event is reviewed in Lobster 23, p. 35 (2) So, if two early JFK theorists are now hob-nobbing with […]

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Some Notes on Occult Irrationalism and the Kennedy Assassination

Lobster Issue 24 (December 1992) £££

[…] pages crammed with the titles of books and pamphlets that would make any ‘progressive’ faint: ‘Our Nordic Race’, ‘Ethnic Group Differences’, ‘Jews Want to Dominate Negroes’, ‘ Watergate: Jewish Conspiracy to Seize U.S. Government’, ‘Censorship in the U.S. — I Accuse the Jews’, and ‘Racial Chaos and Criminal Anarchy — the Prelude to Black […]

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Lobster Issue 5 (1984) £££

[…] look out for: Exile: The Unquiet Oblivion of Richard M. Nixon, Robert Sam Anson Rogue Agent: The Remarkable Career of Edwin P. Wilson, James Goulden Secret Agenda: Watergate, Deep Throat and the CIA, Jim Hougan Tom Davis also stocks back issues of Jonathan Marshall’s Parapolitics.The best mail order catalogue bar none on areas of […]

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The Big C: Further notes on ‘conspiracy’

Lobster Issue 24 (December 1992) £££

[…] against the Labour Government — the Agee-Hosenball expulsions and the Aubery, Berry and Campbell (ABC) trial for example. And these were mostly triggered by the fall-out from Watergate and Vietnam in the United States. The people in London who went spook hunting in 1975/6 did so because the idea had been suggested to them […]

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