The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] Hougan Did a pre-presidential meeting in the jungle between Nixon and a militaristic priest escalate ‘Nam? ‘A Call from Hunt: Inside the First Hours and Days of Watergate’ by Douglas Caddy ‘A Strange New Watergate Book: Lamar Waldron & Watergate’ by James DiEugenio So: this is some of the A-team as far as parapolitics […]

Wilson, MI5 and the rise of Thatcher

Lobster Issue 11 (April 1986) £££
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[PDF file]: […] the story and the tracking down of the birth certificates to a former campaign manager for Wilson, William Gaunt. (94). Pincher adds that at the time of Watergate (1973? 1974?) “Tory MPs were promoting the idea that Wilson faced a ‘babygate’”, noting that “the Tory leadership had been given full information about the problems […]

Lobster review: Sunday Herald, 17 August 2003

Lobster Issue

A  review of Lobster in the Sunday Herald, 17 August 2003.

[PDF file]: […] sort of terrain does the armourplated crustacean cover? Recent issues have examined the impact of naval sonar devices on whales (it kills them), an alternative take on Watergate (it all started with hookers), electionrigging in the UK (remarkably easy to do), an analysis of al-Qaeda’s PR campaign (amazingly effective), and possible CIA involvement in […]


Lobster Issue 76 (Winter 2018) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Mike Pence Michael D’Antonio and Peter Eisner New York: Thomas Dunne Books, 2018 Bob Woodward’s Fear was an instant international bestseller, with sales promoted by both his Watergate reputation and by the fascination that the deranged President Trump excites. Could the man who helped bring down the last crook to occupy the White House, […]

Reporter: A Memoir by Seymour M. Hersh

Lobster Issue 76 (Winter 2018) FREE

[PDF file]: […] 1 ‘Just a Drop Can Kill’, for The New Republic, 6 May 1967. From then on the list of his exposés is long. He reported on the Watergate scandal for the New York Times (had Fox News existed at the time would Nixon have got away with it?); he helped destroy the reputation of […]

Still thinking about Dallas

Lobster Issue

[…] Hunt was a right-wing cold warrior. Hunt’s naming of LBJ to his son was prefigured in his 2007 memoir, American Spy: My Secret History in the CIA, Watergate, and Beyond, written before his ‘confession’, which contained this paragraph: ‘Having Kennedy liquidated, thus elevating himself to the presidency without having to work for it himself, […]

Still thinking about Dallas

Lobster Issue 75 (Summer 2018) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] Hunt was a right-wing cold warrior. Hunt’s naming of LBJ to his son was prefigured in his 2007 memoir, American Spy: My Secret History in the CIA, Watergate, and Beyond, written before his ‘confession’, which contained this paragraph: ‘Having Kennedy liquidated, thus elevating himself to the presidency without having to work for it himself, […]

Phil Shenon – a cruel and shocking twist

Lobster Issue 74 (Winter 2017) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Castro specifically mentions the CIA-backed JMWAVE maritime raiders. These anti-Castro Cuban commandos were infiltrated into Cuba with high powered rifles that, as JMWAVE boat captain and later Watergate burglar Eugenio Martinez said, ‘were not to be used for hunting rabbits’. (Some of the JMWAVE commandos were captured and paraded on Cuban TV with their […]

A Tale of Two Factions: The US Power Structure Since World War II by Joseph P. Raso

Lobster Issue 88 (2024) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] number of analysts in 1960s and 70s to explain the tumult of those times: the assassinations of the President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert, the Watergate scandal, and the moral and strategic disaster that was the Vietnam War. The late Carl Oglesby in his book The Yankee and Cowboy War (1976), for […]

THEY KNEW: how a culture of conspiracy keep America complacent by Sarah Kendzior

Lobster Issue 88 (2024) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] she calls ‘conspiracy facts’ – and conspiracy theories, that in many ways serve to distract from, and cover-up, what is actually going on. As she points out: Watergate, Iran-Contra, the CIA’s MKUltra mind control experiments, the aborted 1960s false flag Operation Northwoods and other US government plots were all, at some point, labeled wild […]

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